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(Current version is: 17.0, released 2022-October-25)
Former Pricing and Purchase Options DFSee 17.5 disk reflection
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OPEN SOURCE EDITION, version 17.x and later

Note that DFSee is now FREE for use, no registration required!
Any references to keys, registrations and licenses refer to the OLDER version only!

ALL SALES of licenses, USB-sticks and support-units has been ceased

Starting the 15th of July 2024 (my 66th birthday), DFSee and any related products and services will not be offered for sale anymore. I am retiring, and enjoy myself with lots of guitar playing and studying, nature photography and travel!

That said, I will still monitor my DFSee related emails and the mailing list, and offer some email support on a best effort basis. DFSee version 17.0 (and a possible 17.1 at some point, with formal open-source designations) will remain downloadable from my website, as will the related ISO, INSTALL and ZIP distribution files for installing DFSee, and to create bootable (Linux puppy) USB sticks.

Thanks for using DFSee over the last 25 odd years ...

Home  |  Downloads  |  Purchase Options  |  Support and Documentation  |  Contact info and Photos/Videos JvW
(Former Pricing and Purchase Options page)
Views: 611038 Viewable with Any Browser Created by Jan van Wijk:   May 2005, last update:   2024-Sep-20 Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional