(Current version is: 17.0, released 2022-October-25) |
Release history |
DFSee release history
- 17.0, Major release, with minor fixes, but freely available as OPEN SOURCE EDITION
- VER Warpstock release build
- REG Removed the requirement for a registration key
- LABEL Add REBOOT hint to menu help en LABEL command itself
- MENU Fix Set Geometry Dialog for 255/255 Radio Button
- MENU Fix Force Operation mode ExFAT
- DUMP Minor fix to display DUMPFILE size correctly
- 16.9,
- RECOVER ExFAT new warning hint when ASSUMING files are contiguous
- PART Fixed possible crash (string overflow) in certain displays
- D or DOWN: Correctly go to FS-entry sector, even if bootsec empty
- EXPORT/IMPORT sector list, fixed displayed the filename used
- RECOVER, SAVETO and BROWSE streamlined WARNING/ERROR reporting
- RECOVER, SAVETO and BROWSE recovery, always set file timestamps
- CMD_WARNING on FileSaveAs alloc fail, is OK, so set timestamps!
- 16.8, Help updated for the ArcaOS 'OS/2 Type 1' GPT partition type; No functional changes!
- CR: Rebuilt with the now MIT-licensed open-source TXLib windowing library
- CR: Added the symbolic 'AOT1' GPT type to the help tekst
- 16.7, Support for the ArcaOS 'OS/2 Type 1' GPT partition type; Small enhancements to auto logfile naming
- EXFAT: Recover: Contiguous file save after FORMAT, FAT-entries 0
- FORMAT: Added numeric RC value display on a format verify error
- GPT: New 'OS2 ArcaOS Type 1' GUID GPT partition type aka 'AOT1'
- LOG: Allow '@' char in filename as synonym for '^' (auto-seq-nr)
- LOG: Allow LAST '@' or '^' anywhere in the filename (auto-seq-nr)
- LOG: Replace single ~ before delimitter char by YYYYMMDD date
- LOG: don't discard ~ in name when NOT at end or numbered ~N
- MENU: Avoid hang by ignoring history key if menubar is up
- Map: Avoid <> characters in output to avoid HTML quoting errors
- PART: Avoid <> characters in output to avoid HTML quoting errors
- WPI: OS/2 installer update for new DFSee support forum at groups.io
- 16.6, Bug fix release; GPT 2TB partition-size limit lifted; DFSPUPPY 4GB stick minimum; Some crash fixes
- PALINDROME date release, minor release with just a few bug fixes :)
- DFSPUPPY: Creation script updated to require a 4GB stick minimum
- GPT: Fixed crash when using the -name:'newname' option (16.6 beta)
- Disp: Fixed spurious crash when displaying nearly empty bootsectors
- MENU: Create partition: Freespace list correctly display size > 2Tb
- GPT: Fix creation of partitions larger than 2Tb (avoid truncation)
- 16.5, Bug fix release; JFS CHECK: Inode error 0x200; DOS menu hang; List number format
- WARPSTOCK release, no functional change, minor documentation fix
- LIST: Fix display format for decimal numbers over 12 positions
- DOS version: Fix crash (or hang) when selecting the Scripts menu
- JFS CHECK: Fix bogus errors reported on Inode allocation (0x200)
- 16.4, Extra confirmation on bad-sector SCAN; PRESTORE disknumber fix; Several FileDialog usability enhancements; STARTABLE improvements
- Official first complete build on the new development macBook PRO
- Fixed extreme-slow startup of macOS version when SIP not disabled
- DFSPUPPY.TXT/DFSUSB32.TXT files added to WPI and MSI installers
- FileDlg: Accept new absolute-path+wildcard in filename field na
- FileDlg: Files list now DISABLED for DIR-selector (output only)
- FileDlg: HIDE Unix system dirs like /dev when showhidden is off
- FileDlg: Handle [OK] as ENTER if filename-field contains wildcard
- FileDlg: [OK] with empty filename field, discards the dialog
- FileDlg: [OK] with wildcard or dir-name is handled by dialog
- IMAGE: Fixed option handling, make sure '-S' always implies '-z'
- MENU: Added Mode=Fdisk->Partition Table Operations -> Edit Tables
- OS/2 OS: Updated background image for the DFSee Desktop folders
- OS/2 WPI: DFSee Interactive/Large/Huge now as single 'RUN DFSee'
- OS/2 WPI: Updated background image for the DFSee Desktop folders
- PART: Recognize Linux native FS in a GPT Windows-BasicData type
- PART: Update Windows 'administrator required' message for Win-10
- PRESTORE: Fixed restore to a SPECIFIED disknumber, not SAME
- SCAN: Add extra confirmation, with object-identification (store)
- STARTABLE: Allow CLEAR of active logical; and FORCE active option
- STORE/Confirm: Use InsFS as AUX alias on unformatted type 0x07
- Windows MSI: DFSee Interactive renamed: 'RUN DFSee' (like PUPPY)
- Windows OS: Prompt to resize buffer if scrollbars are present
- Windows OS: -W and -W- option to force/disable the resize-check
- 16.3, DFSPUPPY update to the Ubuntu 18.04 level, added a third variant DFSPUP32; Various small fixes and enhancements
- ABOUT: Add OS version details for Win10-1903 and macOS Catalina
- CR: Numbers allow an 0t or 0T prefix to force a decimal value
- FIXEXT: Fixed crash on caused by 64-bit sector number display
- LINUX: Not UPX compressed anymore (corrupt ELF header, may fail)
- PART: Presence of type 0xEF UEFI-syst does NOT imply GPT style!
- PUPPY: Updated the DFSPUP32 startup scripts (older urxvt used)
- PUPPY: Updated the DFSPUPPY.TXT to match the latest IMZ versions
- PUPPY: Fixed disk-number passed to DFSPUPPY for DFSPUP32 stick
- PUPPY: Suppress tabbed URxvt terminal window on DFSPUP64 stick
- SCRIPT/SWITCH: Numbers allow 0t or 0T prefix for decimal value
- USB Scripts: Updated 'RETRY after LOCK' message with 'NO FORMAT'
- 16.2, Hide hidden-files by default in BROWSE; F10 key or RMB pops up context menu; Several fixes and refinements
- APFS: DO show file/dir name when Inode not found in BROWSE/Show
- BROWSE: Cleaned up the context-popup-menu for single file select
- BROWSE: Do NOT show HIDDEN (by attribute or .filename) by default
- BROWSE: Keep same file/dir selected, on Hide/Show items ()
- BROWSE: Add a hint to file RENAME dialog to keep the SAME length
- CR dlg (GPT/MBR) popup type-list menu on or mouse button 2
- CR/mcs-numbers: Allow hex/oct prefix/postfix on positional params
- FAT: Added usage with '-?' for FATSIM, FATWRIM, FINDROOT and PATH
- FAT: New 'FATSYNC' command directly copies one FAT area to other
- FAT: PATH command fixed for specified LFN directory entry numbers
- GENPART: Create log on current dir; Use explicit -t: / -s: values
- IMAGE/CLONE: SMART protect MBR-area full cylinder for bootloaders
- MENU: 'Change partition Type', new hints to FS-conversion in HELP
- MENU: Finetune menu-header + button layout and line-wrapping
- MENU: Renamed 'Display' heading to 'View' for consistency & space
- NTFS: Hide or Show $xxx root systemfiles like $MFT in the BROWSER
- OS/2: WPI installer updated to update the DFSee folder in-place
- PART: No display corruption from unprintable characters in labels
- PTE dialog (GPT) popup type-list menu on F10 or mouse button 2
- REG: Temporary reg keys may allow up to a year of evaluation time
- SET: 'RMBMENU on/off' sets RMB to menu-open key F10 translation
- UI: FileDialog, popup volume-list menu on F10 or mouse button 2
- UI: FileDialog, '..' parent-DIR never considered to be HIDDEN
- UI: Right mouse button opens (popup) menu when RMBMENU is set ON
- UI: arrow/PGUP/PGDN keys on minimized window scroll output window
- XFS: Add more field definitions for the superblock, and display
- 16.1, UNIX filedialog bugfix, APFS and HFS+ refinements; Hide hidden files in BROWSE and filedialogs, Settings in seperate SET menu
- APFS: Added collision detect/resolve on DIRRECORD filename HASH
- APFS: COL command searches filename HASH collisions in a volume
- APFS: Fixed crash in 'Browse' when selecting empty subdirectory
- APFS, HFS: Added hidden files (DOT f-names) filtering for BROWSE
- APFS: Show name of first volume as LABEL for a disk or partition
- APFS, NTFS, HFS: Display 'D' (FAT) attr indicator in DIR display
- BROWSE: F11 key toggles between SHOW and HIDE 'hidden' items
- BROWSE: Added HELP item for the BROWSE startup Dialog and fields
- BROWSE: Menu item 'Show hidden Directories/Files' in Edit->DFsee
- HFS: Exclude (hard)links if no auto-resolve on recursive recover
- HFS: Menu toggle option 'FolderAlias Auto Resolve'; Init meta-DIR
- HFS: Menu toggle option 'Hardlinks Auto Resolve'; Init meta-DIR
- HFS: Support DIR-hardlink/Folder-alias, as needed for TimeMachine
- HFS: Support hardlinks in Browse, Recover and directory display
- HPFS, FAT, EFAT, NTFS: Added hidden/system filtering for BROWSE
- HPFS, NTFS, FAT: Consider all DOT filenames as HIDDEN for BROWSE
- ISO: Hidden attribute (or DOT filenames) filtering for BROWSE
- JFS: Hidden/System attrib (or DOT f-names) filtering for BROWSE
- MENU: Moved Settings/Properties from EDIT menu to new 'SET' menu
- MENU: Added 'Fdlgs, show hidden Dirs/Files' to the 'SET' menu
- PUPPY: Download fixed for macOS; Create from download dir; Close
- SET HIDDEN: Set 'filedialogs-show-hidden-files', default is OFF
- UI: Auto-insert OFF field length now 74 (all except cmdline)
- UI: SPACE, INSERT or '+' on menu-item mimic ENTER (toggle mark)
- UI: Automatically re-open same menu on settings/property toggle
- UI: FileDialog, .filename considered HIDDEN on ALL platforms
- UI: FileDialog, better handling of new typed abs/relative paths
- UI: FileDialog: toggles between SHOW and HIDE 'hidden' items
- UI UNIX findfiles: .filenames treated as having a HIDDEN attribute
- UI UNIX fixed FileDialog bug (missing entries, if dead symlinks)
- 16.0, New filesystem support for ISO (9660) and APFS (Apple), menu improvements, various small enhancements and bug fixes
- APFS: Version2/3 updates based on Apple File System Reference
- APFS: ALLOC command to display FS usage (main and fusion tier2)
- APFS: APFS filesystem in a type 0x73 MBR partition is recognized
- APFS: Added display of Checkpoint-Map blocks, NEXT to C-super
- APFS: Browse functionality implemented for directory-tree browse
- APFS: BtreeNode display: allow -r, -p and -name select with -raw
- APFS: Create a Volume selection list for 'vi' command and menu
- APFS: Create bitmap caches for main and (fusion) tier2 devices
- APFS: DESC command shows Btree RECORD types (CATS/DUMP/LEAVES)
- APFS: DUMP and Tree/Node display, FS-Tree details and filtering
- APFS: DUMP command enhanced with -name:wildcard select DIR/XATRR
- APFS: DUMP command enhanced with -x:transactionId filter value
- APFS: DUMP command fine-tuned for a display width of 120 columns
- APFS: FINDPATH or '\path' commands will display file information
- APFS: FOLDER command; Auto folder-display on select from snlist
- APFS: FileSaveAs (recovery) implemented for std file data-stream
- APFS: LEAF command determines fist/next leaf-node ID in a tree
- APFS: LEAVES command displays tree-contents (faster than dump!)
- APFS: LEAVES/DUMP commands support Inode name wildcard selection
- APFS: New CP command refreshes to latest or given checkpoint
- APFS: Recovery of a symlink will create a file with the linkname
- APFS: Support -q and -v verbosity on PART and other displays
- APFS: VIRT command translates virtual object-ID/Xid to blocknr
- APFS: Xfield display in FS BtreeNodes, for filesize and filename
- ATTACH: Option -i, Use a better geometry for attached IMZ image
- BSFIND: Force sector 0 (MBR/Boot) to be 'found' and always listed
- DISKLIST: Execute 'media -update' before display of the list
- Display sector: Add 'Block:0x....' to end of identifying line
- GENPART: Create correct commands for GPT partitioned disks too
- GPT: Use GPT-style on a HYBRID-GPT/MBR with Auto-GPT set to ON
- HEXED: Do NOT go to END of output, popup at current scroll-pos
- HEXED: default 16 columns, F6 key cycles 16-32-64-128-256 width
- HEXED: default position at the END (column 99) of regular output
- IMAGE/RESTORE: Fix incorrect default size when using -P (dialog)
- IMZ: fix XMZ indexfile creation for truncated/partial IMZ files
- IMZ: for a partitioned-disk IMZ, prompt for partition to browse
- ISO: Add display of 'path to root' for directory block displays
- ISO: BROWSE initial list building and navigation implemented
- ISO: Display DIR including Joliet LFN and Rock Ridge Posix info
- ISO: Display El Torito (bootable CD) hdr info, link to boot img
- ISO: Display and navigation of directory blocks implemented
- ISO: FINDPATH or '\some\path\to\file' resolves file information
- ISO: Initial support for the ISO9660 filesystem (DVD/CDROM)
- ISO: SAVETO command including file copy and recover from BROWSE
- ISO: Supply file-info to support 'list -f' and Browse Display
- JFS: DIRTY cmd Improved cmd help, and superblock 'dirty' display
- JFS: DIRTY command 'query' parameter sets RC to FS status value
- LIST: -f option improved display for non-file records in the list
- LOG: Support ~1..9 date/time filename substitution (see 'log -?')
- MENU: Edit->LVM Information' uses a submenu for partition select
- MENU: Edit->Partition Tables' uses a submenu for partition select
- MENU: Mode=APFS 'DUMP all FS-tree records' and show DIR NameHash
- MENU: Mode=APFS -> Display SpaceManager info, shows alloc info
- MENU: Mode=APFS -> Refresh to last Checkpoint, updates FS view
- MENU: Mode=APFS -> Select container Volume, selects one Volume
- MENU: Mode=APFS added SpaceManager display and two DUMP variants
- MENU: Mode=Fdisk -> RESTORE partition info: Select disknr or SAME
- MENU: Mode=ISO -> Select Volume Descriptor (UPCASE,Joliet,Boot)
- OPTIONS: verbosity -q and -v changed to the generic -O:s|q|n|v|m
- OS/2: Added 128x128 PNG versions of the standard DFSee icons
- RESTORE: Fixed crash on restore IMZ file smaller than 1024 bytes
- UI: Changed initial-focus to the [OK] button in DIR-select dialog
- UI: Fixed scroll bug when not at end of scroll buffer (PgUp, Up)
- Windows: Attach all physical disks, allowing disk number gaps
- Windows: Fix dsk identification strings with disk number gaps
- macOS: Added 'Terminal' app keyboard customization tips to help
- macOS: TxFsShow, macOS, Add 'diskutil list' info for device
- 15.6, More robust download scripts for UPDATE and DFSPUPPY; Auto single/multi select on Linux; OS/4 kernel info
- ABOUT: TxOsVersion: Recognize OS/4 kernel used on OS/2 (OS/2)
- CONFIRM: Avoid inconsistent abort behaviour on Escape key used
- DFSGETPY script, test/prompt for writable DL directory; no COPY
- DFSGETUP script, test/prompt for a writable download directory
- FILEDLG: Callback signals possible target PATH change (UNIX)
- HELP: Updated menu help for PUPPY download and program updates
- IMAGE DLG: Default single/multi file based on target-FS (LINUX)
- MEDIA/DISKLIST: Fix AHCI detection on config.sys syntax variant
- SCRIPT: Function 'dirwritable(path)' tests for a writable DIR
- 15.5, Disk identification strings; Auto single/multi-file select on image; Selectable profile; logfilename with DATE
- ALLOC: Better progress text: 'Get ALLOCATION info, at Sector:'
- CR: Updated help (cr -?) with examples for 'mcs-number' syntax
- DISK SelLists: Show disk ID in description (Linux/Windows/OS2)
- DISKLIST: Output format now 2 lines, 2nd is indented description
- EXTn: Avoid segmentation violation when no superblock present
- FILEDLG: Callback function to signal volume/driveletter change
- IMAGE DLG: Auto default for single/multi file based on target-FS
- LOG: Trailing '~' char in logfilename expands to current DATE
- MEDIA: Show the disk-identification string when available
- MEDIA/DISKLIST: Correct Disk-ID string for QSinit PAE RAM-disks
- MENU: Add REASON to message about disabled freespace areas (CR)
- MENU: DOS VERSION, add 'download updates' DISABLED, with reason
- MENU: Edit ->Settings/Properties, DFSee ->Auto log DATE postfix
- MENU: Partition open/select items explicitly add the -a option
- OS2: Show disk-id string on IDE DANIS506.ADD (media/disklist)
- OS2: Show disk-id string on SATA OS2AHCI.ADD (media/disklist)
- OS2: Show disk-id string on USB USBMSD.ADD (media/disklist)
- PART: Do NOT show FS allocation unless '-a' option (saves time)
- PRESTORE: Fixed parsing a .PDx disk-number (was broken in 15.4)
- PROGRESS: Make sure values up to 99.99% are rounded DOWN not up
- SET INSERT off | on | N: sets (auto) INSERT entryfield length
- SET: 'LOG DATE' sets LOG auto DATE postfix on (or OFF or NUM)
- STARTUP: switch -logdate sets logfilename auto DATE postfix ON
- STARTUP: switch -insert:n sets (auto) INSERT entryfield length
- STARTUP: switch -profile- disables execution of standard profile
- STARTUP: switch -profile:name executes specific profile script
- UI: ENTRYFIELD, auto INSERT: ON for large fields, OFF for small
- UI: ENTRYFIELD, delete mark, when typing INSIDE the marked area
- UI: Use 7-bit ASCII output setting for window drawing as well
- UI: Windows, force codepage 437 unless '-7' EXE switch is used
- 15.4, DFSPUP64 UEFI USB boot stick; Auto mouse-marking OS/2 and Windows; Reworked Help-menu; DFSFAST disk analysis; Windows auto-resize
- ABOUT: Fixed duplicate 'Current user' line when using -P- option
- ABOUT: Updated 64-bit macOS compiler version to 10.0.0 (Mojave)
- ABOUT: Added macOS version 14.x 'Mojave' as recognised version
- Auto-disable OS/2 'Mouse Actions' and DragText 'Mouse Marking'
- Auto-disable Windows console 'Quick Edit Mode' during DFSee run
- Auto-redraw when Windows console is made larger (like maximize)
- Better support Windows-console larger than screen (like 80x300)
- DFSFAST: Faster variant of DFSDISK, for EXISTING disk partitions
- DISKSERIAL: Display disk serialnumber info (LINUX IDE/SATA only)
- Detect DFSPUP64 stick XenialPup64 88-color rxvt (use COLORTERM)
- Fix detection of gnome-terminal when using a COLORTERM variable
- HEXED: Added framing borders to HEXDUMP style clipboard copy
- IMZ/VDI: Avoid 'switch to FDISK' popup on the 'attach' command
- IMZ: Browse FIRST partition when IMZ is for a partitioned disk
- IMZ: Fixed to use the specified directory in file-open dialog
- LINKS in rgkey/help explicit .php (resolve in xenial64 terminal)
- MENU->HELP: Item 'Sector Types' help now uses a popup text view
- MENU->HELP: Added submenu for TXScript for syntax, variables etc
- MENU->HELP: Added User-Interface submenu for keyboard, mouse etc
- MENU->HELP: Added help item to document generic command options
- MENU->HELP: Added GPT symbolic names to the partition-type help
- MENU->HELP: Added separate item for UI-library standard commands
- MENU->HELP: Added separate item for UI-library startup switches
- MENU->HELP: Added download of the 64-bit/UEFI DFSPUP64.IMZ image
- MENU->SCRIPTS: Add create 64-bit/UEFI Xenialpup64 DFSPUPPY stick
- MENU->SCRIPTS: Add 'Fast Analyse disks (support)' DFSFAST script
- PRESTORE: Fixed restore MBR of a GPT disk, using verbose display
- PRESTORE: Optimized TAB order in selection dialog, from the menu
- RADIO/CHECKBOX: Use other color as focus indicator, user feedback
- SCRIPT: DFSF32ST updated for GPT and OS/2 LVM huge-disk geometry
- SCRIPTS: DFSF16ST, DFSIFSTD, DFSJFS35, synced to DFSF32ST update
- SET SYSMENU 0/1/2 Set/show OS/2 or Windows mouse-marking control
- STARTUP: switch -l- is now default, use -l to get logfile dialog
- STARTUP: switch -sysmenu:n mouse-marking setting OS/2 or Windows
- STARTUP: Only report INT13 disk limits in pedantic mode (-p:2)
- STORE: Show filename in one-liner for image files (window-title)
- 15.3, Binary File/Hex-editor, BROWSE and Menu enhancements; Additional MBR/GPT types; Several bug fixes and improvements
- BROWSE: enhanced filter selection-dialog with modified AFTER date
- BROWSE: Include empty files in default selection filter (size 0)
- BROWSE: 'Specify custom file filtering' CHECKED (ON) by default
- BROWSE: Fixed bug with 'Reduce list to SELECTED' for FAT/EXTn/HFS
- CMD: Avoid CMD.EXE popup VIO window on OS/2 external commands
- CR GPT Dialog: Added 'srv' 'dmcrypt' and 'luks' to gpt-type list
- CR GPT: Added 'raid', '0xfd' and 'fd00' as valid symbolic types
- CR GPT: New 'home', 'srv', 'root32', 'root64', 'dmcrypt', 'luks'
- EDIT -dir: Maintain and use persistent 'last-used-directory-path'
- EDIT filename: Allow access to last (partial) sector correctly
- EDIT filename: Force binary mode on opened image using 'im -RAW'
- EDIT: Explicit -A- to disallow append/delete from (binary) file
- EFAT: Fixed crash with '\path-to-file' file/dir locator command
- EFAT: Fixed incorrect 'invalid cluster value' errors on CHECK/SLT
- EFAT: Use Dir-entry cache to avoid incorrect size of directories
- FAT: Added usage hint 't -D' to display deleted DIR entries too
- FAT: Allow DIR display from list .NNN, even when FAT says 'free'
- FAT: Recover: Contiguous file save after FORMAT, FAT-entries 0
- FATSET: Manually set a FAT-allocation chain for contiguous range
- FATWRIM: made FAT-2 the default to write to, better usage info
- HEXED: Fixed scrolling UP/PGUP with partial sectors (buf size)
- HEXED: Show additional (green) cursor in HEX and ASSCII areas
- HEXED: show marked-area in prev/next buffers too, when visible
- HEXED: Copy to clipboard when NO MARK, copies in HEXDUMP format
- HEXED: Alt-H or double-click in OFFSET column toggles mark format
- HEXED: Vertical click-drag in offset area creates a HEXDUMP mark
- IM: -RAW option forces RAW mode, no decompress/index .IMZ/.VDI
- LIST/RECOVER: Enhanced selection-dialog with modified AFTER date
- LIST/SLT: Made the 'info' value 16 bits; display as 4 hex digits
- macOS: Fixed crash on displaying commandline history buffer F11
- MENU, File: add the 'Change Current Directory' to BASIC mode too
- MENU: Grayed several menu-items when no (proper) object opened
- PART/VOL: Write pending (FAT etc) changes before open new object
- PART: Added new undefined/ignored/temporary/backup MBR type 0xd7
- PART: Recognize Linux 'LUKS' encrypted MBR partition type 0xe8
- PART: Classified all CHS-related warnings as MINOR (use part -w)
- PART: No warnings for MBR-part types 0xd7 and 0xdf (temp/backup)
- PART: Removed warnings for partitions beyond int13 cyl-1023 limit
- PART: Reworded WARNING: Partition type 0x35 with missing LVM-BBR
- PART: Supress 'No ACTIVE partition' warning if AirBoot is present
- RESIZE: Disable ALL resize menu-items for non-supported filesystems
- RESTORE: Open destination RAW image (-I:fname) as R/W (RAW2IMZ)
- SET MENU: style: Autodrop, NoDrop or Delayed-drop and Right-Move
- Startup -M:n switch: added value 4 for Delayed-drop menu style
- Startup: Show status-prompt when using non-default start command
- UI CMD history: (F11 key) timestamp now in microSeconds from start
- UI FILEDLG: Directory picker, set initial focus to Directory-window
- UI FILEDLG: Optimize vertical size, while keeping titlebar visible
- UI MENU: No menu activate when clicking top-line in output-window
- UI HEXED: optimized paint of marked area, faster and no-flicker
- UI OUTPUT: optimized paint of marked area, faster and no-flicker
- UI TXTVIEW: optimized paint of marked area, faster and no-flicker
- UPDATE scripts: Use 'wget --no-check-certificate' avoiding errors
- 15.2, Clipboard Copy/Paste and Mouse marking; Filedialog/HFS/NTFS enhancements; MacOS SIP warning; Minor fixes
- BSFIND: Changed '-f' start position default mcs-unit to sectors
- Bootsector: Removed (usualy incorrect) BeFS bootcode detection
- CC: Clipboard Copy, copy lines from output window to clipboard
- CMD: External command output, crude TAB expansion to 8 spaces
- CP: Clipboard Paste, copy clipboard text to the output window
- CV: Copy selected value to the clipboard as a (Hex) string
- DOS: Support the (local) clipboard functions, within DFSee only
- FILEDLG: Filename entryfield, allow path-separator '\' or '/'
- FILEDLG: Support Drive + rel-path + wildcard like 'H:sub\*.log'
- FILEDLG: Support relative-DIR like 'test\' or 'nx\images\*.imz'
- Filenames in commands, allow either '/' or '\' path separators
- GPT: 'pid -name:newname' will change the name of a GPT partition
- HEXED, DISASM: Fixed DISTORM bugs when compiled for 64-bit (macOS)
- HEXED, DISASM: Highlight current instruction code bytes at top
- HEXED, DISASM: Mouse doubleclick will 'jump' to that instruction
- HEXED, DISASM: Use temporary mouse-drag MARK for clipboard copy
- HEXED: Correctly highlight current buffer for odd nr of columns
- HEXED: Extra PREV and NEXT buffer (total 9 now) for large screens
- HFS: Better HFS superblock detection (no BSFIND false positives)
- Linux: Copy-TO-Clipboard goes to both PRIMARY+CLIPBOARD X-selections
- MBR: Include version and language for detected Airboot bootmanager
- NTFS: FINDMFT command to locate the MFT area (for fixboot)
- NTFS: FIXBOOT (non-spare) correct cluster size for FS < 2 GiB
- NTFS: Menu item: 'Find MFT location, for Fix' doing a FINDMFT
- OS/2: Set status title on CMD-window title-Bar and Window-list
- PART: Avoid 'no active partition' warning on APM style 1st disk
- Switch -lvmsize forces use of LVM disk size + related warnings
- Switch -sigint enables Ctrl-C aborting, disabling Copy-to-Clipboard
- UI: Ctrl-C handling in Windows respects '-sigint' switch now too
- UI: Alt-A in HEXED marks whole current item (sector/cluster/block)
- UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for HEXED, ASCII or HEX-pairs
- UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for MsgBox (warning/error/about)
- UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for TextView (mostly help items)
- UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for Lists, Buttons, Menu-heading
- UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for Output-window (marked or window)
- UI: Ctrl-V/Alt-V in HEXED paste from clipboard with ASCII or HEX-pairs
- UI: Ctrl-A MARK-ALL entryfield, msg/help text and output windows
- UI: Ctrl-X/Alt-X CUT entryfield marked-area to clipboard, unmark
- UI: Cursor for INSERT/REPLACE mode larger, to platform standard
- UI: DELETE in entryfield deletes marked-area, one char if no mark
- UI: Dedicated desktop footer text when output-window has focus
- UI: Drag-MARK: Auto scroll LEFT/RIGHT if mouse outside window
- UI: Drag-MARK: Auto scroll UP/DN when mouse above/below window
- UI: Entryfield Ctrl-V/Alt-V PASTE from, Alt-C COPY to clipboard
- UI: Fixed Ctrl-C bug causing input-repeat or garbage on OS/2
- UI: HEXED: Display marked-area in ASCII pane and in HEX pane
- UI: HEXED: Fixed odd behaviour on Pgup/Dn with large window size
- UI: HEXED: Support 'wrapped-line' marking by mouse-dragging
- UI: INSERT mode, 'set insert on/off' command sets insert state
- UI: INSERT mode, default ON at startup, -insert- switch reverts
- UI: Mouse Alt+Click or Ctrl-Click MB2 copies (mark) to clipboard
- UI: Mouse Click+Drag MARKS in Help/Msg/Text/Output/HexEdit window
- UI: Mouse Ctrl+Click pastes from clipboard in Entryfield + HEXED
- UI: Mouse DoubleClick (sometimes Single Click too) UNMARKS
- UI: Paste Entryfield/HEXED to mark ONLY if cursor is IN mark
- UI: Set OS window title on program exit, try to restore original
- UI: Set OS window title to currently open object description
- UI: Support multi-line marked area in Output-window and Help
- UI: UNIX, insert STARTDRAG msg to get correct mark anchor position
- UNIX: Error popup on missing clipboard utils xclip/pbcopy/pbpaste
- UNIX: Relocated temporary filename(s) to temp dir '/tmp/....'
- macOS: Startup 'su'/'disable SIP' hint on inaccessible bootdisk
- macOS: Changed 'Display OS device/disk info' to show ALL disks
- macOS: Menu item: 'Show SIP status' (Invisible macOS boot disk)
- macOS: Probe /dev/rdiskN devices on startup, to see more disks
- macOS: Recognize APFS FS in FileSystemOnly (synthesized) disks
- txLib: New ExecRedirectIO function similar to `command` on UNIX
- 15.1, Apple HFS support, more 'about' details, 64-bit macOS version and some minor updates
- 64bit verification version; Delivery/setup of macOS DFSee.app
- ABOUT: Linux: Show description for distribution, when identified
- ABOUT: Linux/macOS TERM info and (sudo) user on an extra line
- ABOUT: macOS: Report macOS version numbers as well as Darwin ones
- ABOUT: OS/2: Show description for distribution ArcaOS/eCS/IBM
- ABOUT: Show the DFSee version info itself with '-c- (for logging)
- ABOUT: Windows: Report logged-on username and computername
- ABOUT: Windows: Report actual Windows-version for win-8x and 10
- ABOUT: Windows/macOS: Show verbose OS-version description string
- ABOUT: Show 32/64 bit arch/os for Linux, macOS and Windows
- CMDLINE: Fix working of the (Commandline) history-buffer for 64bit
- CR: New type 0xAF for creating macOS HFS+ style partitions on MBR
- EXE compress: Update to UPX 3.94, compress Linux and macOS-64 too
- GPT/MBR-type-07: Recognize Bitlocker encryption in a fake FAT32
- HELP/TXT: macOS 'wget' install hints; update DFSee URL to https
- HFS: Implemented FileSaveAs() for file recovery (browse, recover)
- HFS: Build parent-CnID and (folder) name cache for all CnID values
- HFS: CATS command searches Catalog-file for parent/filename combo
- HFS: CATS expanded to allow search Thread-records (no name) too
- HFS: FOLDER command much faster by using B-tree, not linear search
- HFS: Implement FsFileInfo() as required by 'list -f' and Browse
- HFS: Implement FsFindPath() as required by 'findpath' and Browse
- HFS: Implement FsMakeBrowseList() as required by the Browse dialog
- HFS: Resolve full-path for CnID or Catalog-node lsn+index combo
- HFS: SYMLINK display in 'list -f', Browse and Node/Dir displays
- HFS: Show 'Hlnk' hard-link and 'Fdrp' Finder-Alias in Leaf-nodes
- JFS: Recognize Linux JFS in type 0x07 with GRUB-like bootrecord
- JFS: Get Part-size from Part-tables when BR is not JFS specific
- Linux: VOL: Fix mount location for sda1 with sda10..19 present
- macOS: 'setup' script makes sure the DFSee.app is allowed to run
- macOS: Build better 32bit version with regular GCC on Snow-Leopard
- macOS: Setup script automatically selects 32 or 64 bits executable
- Mode=FDISK DELETE: added some trace to debug a crash situation
- PART: Avoid boot-driveletter warnings on non-OS/2 bootable JFS
- Printf: Corrected many format strings for 32/64 bit compatibility
- REG/IMZ: Fixed compression handle-type for 64-bit environments
- Version: Cleanup old vers_XX.Y files when updating from the menu
- 15.0, Set LABEL, better JFS/EXTn filerecovery, recursive directory recover, BROWSE improvements; more HFS and APFS support
- APFS: Added Mode=APFS with minimal function (superblock display)
- APFS: BL/CL command to translate between blocks and sectors
- APFS: Display all known APFS block types, incl checksum verify
- APFS: Display container superblock with most relevant values
- APFS: New DUMP command displays recognized blocks in filesystem
- APFS: Vol-superblock display with formatted date/time incl nsec
- ATTACH/VIRT: Use correct geometry/BPS for MEMDISK MiB..TiB sizes
- BROWSE/SAVETO: 'Recurse into subdirectories' option, default is ON
- BROWSE: toggles 'Percentage display' versus 'Fast' list build
- BROWSE: restores original list from startup of the browser
- BROWSE: Automatic minimize () on display of item metadata
- BROWSE: Automatic minimize () on recovery of any dir/file
- BROWSE: No confirmation-popup but printed message on file recover
- BROWSE: Preserve multiple 'marked' items over list sorting
- BROWSE: REDUCE list fix for mix of Dir/File selected (sort issue)
- DFSDOS: Reduced minimal buffer memory from 50Mb to less than 5Mb
- DISKETTE: RAMDISK from 12 to 3 Mb, and option to skip (low-memory)
- DISKLIST: Show size of displayed disk in GiB units for readability
- EFAT: Build Parent-cache before Browse, aborts building it
- EFAT: Speedup SLT/Parent-cache build, specially on large clusters
- EXT RECOVER/BROWSE: Better path+filename retrieval on damaged FS
- FORMAT: Select correct clustersize for non-std BPS like 4096
- File recovery: 'Recurse' option recovers directory contents too
- Find normal files DLG: Do NOT allow path-separator or wildcards!
- GPT: Add 'APFS Container' GUID with matching type 0x73 MBR-alias
- HFS: Display some catalog-file details at filesystem open/init
- HFS: FOLDER command to display Catalog contents (DFSee DIR format)
- HFS: Formatted display of catalog-file header, leaf and map nodes
- HFS: LABEL command to set new Volume label, up to 255 characters
- HFS: NODE command to display Catalog header, index and leaf nodes
- HFS: Supply label value from catalog-file for table/map display
- JFS FILEFIND/DELFIND: Continue after (CRC) errors when -E:i used
- JFS RECOVER/BROWSE: Better path+filename retrieval on damaged FS
- JFS: No endian-swapping of first 8-bytes in UUID edit and display
- JFS: Specific linux UUID and Volumename displayed with superblock
- LABEL: EFAT command to display/edit the 11-character volume label
- LABEL: EXTn command to display/edit the 16-character volume label
- LABEL: FAT command to display/edit the 11-character volume label
- LABEL: HFS command to display/edit the 255-character volume label
- LABEL: HPFS command to display/edit the 11-character volume label
- LABEL: JFS command to display/edit the 11 / 16 char volume label
- LABEL: NTFS command to display/edit the 32-character volume label
- LABEL: ReiserFS cmd to display/edit the 16-character volume label
- LABEL: XFS command to display/edit the 16-character volume label
- LIST/RECOVER/BROWSE: Set default minimum filesize to 0 (all files)
- LOG/TRACE fix opening a new log/trace file in ROOT directory
- LVM: Updated startup warning LVM IGNORED for missing primary info
- MAP: Include the Volume LABEL line in the standard MAP layout
- MENU and CLONE TO/FROM partition lists: Use LVM/GPT name if no FS-label
- MENU: In most Mode=xxFS: new submenu "Set Volume info/status"
- MENU: Submenu items: Volume label, Serial-nr, UUID, dirty/clean
- MENU: Mode=HFS, new Display Catalog info submenu, directory view
- MENU: Mode=HFS, new Volume-info submenu with Edit/Display Label
- PART/LVM: Ignore BBR read error, continue (analyse LVM on all disks)
- PART: Fix devide-by-zero crash on a GRUB boot partition type 0x06
- RECOVER/SAVETO/BROWSE: new 'recurse into subdirectories' option
- RECOVER: 'Recurse into subdirectories' OFF when not a single directory
- RESTORE/IMAGE: -q option reduces screen output to progress only
- SCRIPT: Added $_d_unixdev[DSK] variable to retrieve disk device name
- SCRIPT: Avoid interpreting options like -D as a subtraction operation
- SCRIPTS: Menu, start USB-stick creation scripts quieter (-Q)
- SCRIPTS: USB-stick creation, show disklist and less verbose
- TRACE: TRACE: Much less verbose on EVEN trace levels, maximum on ODD
- XFS, ReiserFS: Supply label value and UUID for table/map display
- XFS: Display most of the superblock contents, including Inode-use
- macOS: Show correct (removable) or r/R indicators for removable disks
- 14.12, Minor release to fix a program-stability issue after using file RECOVER from BROWSE
- BROWSE: Fix stack corruption on recovering directories or files
- 14.11, BROWSE speedup and enhancements; CLONE BAD-SECTORS menu; RECOVER improvements; CR improvements
- ALLOC: Status msg when checking allocation on huge files > 128 MiB
- BAD-sectors marked with 0xFE pattern, searchable/shown as type '5'
- BROWSE/NTFS: Correct path in description line for multi hard-link
- BROWSE/NTFS: Correct recover-path for multiple hard-linked files
- BROWSE: to toggle recovery-mode; speed-up for all filesystems
- BROWSE: Display file/dir metadata from popup menu (like MFT-record)
- BROWSE: In recovery mode, show all files (min size/percentage 0)
- BROWSE: Speed up display (on huge files) when not in recovery mode
- CDISO: rebuild with cleaned up BOOT.IMG to make DFSDOS.EXE fit again
- CLONE/IMAGE/RESTORE etc; better alignment of read/write error msg
- CLONE: Correct area-start in arealist when using -skipbads option
- CLONE: Generate 'retry-bad-areas' script on disk-2-disk -skipbads
- CLONE: auto display bad-sector areas skipped when using -skipbads
- CR/SETTYPE: Support 2 or 4 digit HEX value for GPT types, like EF
- CR: -N option creates an EMPTY MBR when needed (No code, zeroed)
- CR: GPT EFI (ESP) default to 128 MiB only when NO size specified
- DISKLIST: List available disk numbers plus info on screen/stdout
- GPT2MBR/MBR2GPT: Correctly select disknumber specified as param
- GPT2MBR/MBR2GPT: -N option creates an EMPTY MBR, No code
- GPT: Reworded warning when GPT tables present without an MBR guard
- IM/IMAGE: Fix name generation XMZ index in multiple-dot filenames
- IMAGE/RESTORE dialogs, layout + more verbose text for readability
- LINUX: Detect and report 'Removable' property for disk devices
- LINUX: Initialize disk-name to device/model info, when available
- Menu: Clone -> Disk, BAD-SECTORS' -skipbads / Area-Retry script
- Menu: Edit->Search sectors and output->Search for 0x00 EMPTY sectors
- Menu: Edit->Search sectors and output->Search for 0xFE BAD sectors
- NTFS: Better multiple hard-link paths shown in MFT-record display
- NTFS: Fixed 'u' command after MFT-display (nav.up, LSN parent DIR)
- PARTITION select lists, add disk-number for better identification
- RECOVER/SAVETO: -A- option skips allocation check (will be faster)
- RECOVER: Add 'Recover x from y' file count in status progress info
- SPEED: Fixed divide-by-zero crash on buffersize 512 or larger
- TXWIN: Avoid special chars in radio/check buttons use '*' and 'x'
- 14.10, DFSPUPPY related fine-tuning; Enhancements in several scripts; Some smaller big fixes and enhancements
- CMDLINE: '+' and '-' goes to NEXT or PREVIOUS sector respectively
- DFSPUPPY script, prompt directory when not found at default location
- DFSUSB32 script, set EXEDIR as current to find imz, restore DIR at end
- EDIT: Default itemsize changed back to clustersize (from 4096 bytes)
- HEXED: Allow navigation when CURR buffer empty (non-existing sector)
- IM: Set correct base (start - final) for IM opening an IMZ image
- LINUX: Do NOT attempt to update window-title for console (no X-term)
- LINUX: Support DFSPUPPY initial DFSee evaluation registration keys
- MODE: WIN version only, avoid reset to 80 columns if set larger
- NEWMBR: Fixed -f:from-other-disknr option to actually work that way
- NTFS/JFS: Fixed recovery/copy of sparse file segments (write zeroes)
- RECOVER/SAVETO: Changed default option to NOT discard path component
- Recover files from List: fixed wildcard handling (broken since 14.0)
- mode=AUX: Display 'not-implemented' error message for many commands
- mode=NTFS: Allow abort with from infinite related-MFT display
- x.DFS: Better message on incorrect DFSee script execution (no 'run')
- 14.9, GPT handling/conversion improved; Media re-scan; APMap support; Help-sections in scripts; Fixed auto-update and 'scan -w' crash
- ATTACH/DETACH: Automatic switch to FDISK mode when in another mode
- CONFIRM: command can take take an -H:sssiii helpid as option
- CREATE Dialog: NO-align and MAX-size default if Partial-Cylinder FSP
- CR: Allow creation of a (small!) partition in a Partial-Cylinder FSP
- DFS*.dfs scripts: Added a HELP section for confirmation popup help
- Disk-style 'FLP' for LargeFloppy renamed to 'FSO' for FileSystem Only
- EDIT and F2 key: Made default view HEX/ASCII editor instead of auto
- FS: Recognition of Linux/MacOS FS if no bootsec (IM, ATTACH, VOL etc)
- GPT: Display GPT-hdr and table contents even if no guard part present
- HELP menu: Pre-load help for most DFSee scripts (for Help->Select)
- HELP: Support reading single HELP-sections from TX-script file
- HFS: Recognise 'cerd' as last mounted FS, as a valid HFS superblock
- LOADHELP: Added -S and -H:sss option for help-sections in Script
- LOADHELP: Strip CR and LF characters from all lines (UNIX etc)
- LOADHELP: Search target file in EXE-dir, PATH and current-DIR
- MEDIA: '-update' option updates DFSee disk list (partitionable media)
- MENU: Enable wipe-freespace in filesystem, for any valid FS detected
- MENU: File->Attach/Detach/Display disks->Update DFSee disk-list c-U
- PART/MAP: Support APM style disks, and allow partitions selection
- PART: Disk-style 'APM' for Apple-Partition-Map (macOS disk images etc)
- PART: Warnings if GPT-table and MBR partitions present, or no GPT guard
- PTEDIT: Extra warning when adding AA55 signature to APM-style disk
- RC: Improved error explanation on compound or multiple commands
- RC: Improved handling and reporting of Read-Only/lock-error issues
- SCAN -w: Fixed crash on Windows/Linux/macOS and default buffer size
- SCAN: Fixed bogus errors reported at end of objects (large buffers)
- SCRIPT: Strip spaces at start/end of each line (continuation!)
- SCRIPT: message() and confirmed(): optional helpid 2nd param
- SCRIPT: no execute of message() and confirmed() in syntax-only
- STORE: Improved Last-accessed-LSN/PSN value, added Base-Final PSN
- UNIX: Fixed crash on excessive fast keyboard/mouse input
- UPDATE: Fix DFSGETUP/DFSINSTL scripts bad ZIP name (dfsee_install.zip)
- WIPEFREE: Allow any object with a filesystem, not just VOL/PART
- 14.8, UIKEYS command in menu; Supress trivial warnings; More Unix key definitions; HEXED 16x32 mode; Better terminal detection
- CMD: Filter excessive WGET progress logging from output window
- FAT: FIRSTFREE cmd finds first free cluster, write back if FAT32
- GEO dialog: added another default geometry 240 heads, 32 sect/track
- HELP Program Updates/Download includes link to OS/2 and WIN 'wget'
- HEXED: Alt-arrows, resize the number of colums/rows one by one
- HEXED: Ctrl-F2/Alt-T Toggle between initial and fixed 16x32 size
- KBD: LXT/Gnome/xterm: Home/End + Ctrl/Alt/Shift PgUp/PGDn etc
- KBD: LXTerminal: Ctrl/Shift/Alt arrows and Ctrl+Shift Left/Right
- KBD: macOS Terminal: Add shift-Delete; add '+/-' key as 'INSERT'
- LVM: 'Edit->LVM information' on GPT partition, msg crash fixed
- Linux: Download/Update script 'dfslwget' works on most Linuxes now
- MENU: 'Edit->Sector, HEX 16 columns, 32 rows size (Alt-T / Ctrl-F2)
- MENU: 'Edit->Settings/Properties UI -> Select #colors, Palette (UNIX)
- MENU: 'Edit->Settings/Properties UI -> UI Test keyboard + Mouse
- MENU: Display -> Other partition views -> Non-trivial warnings only
- Output-window UP/PGUP: do NOT scroll beyond first non-empty line
- PART: Do not count trivial warnings in 'minor warnings not shown'
- PART: Use warning classification major/minor/trivial for disks too
- QUERY: Marker line between different disks, show non-MBR (CRP/FLP)
- QUIT: Fix program quit/exit from script called from a DFSee menu item
- SCHEME: use BRIGHT foreground colors in the 'commander' schemes
- SET MARGIN sets wanted display-width (MAP, PART, ALLOC, progress)
- SET PALET 1 | 2 | 8 | 16 | 88 | 256; #colors for UI and output
- SET PALET: Support 1/2 color palette (minimal) for all platforms
- SET SCREEN BRIGHT: Map grey to normal-white, console readability
- UNIX: Better detection of 8/16/88/256 color terminal capability
- UNIX: Detect a Linux-console pretending to be xterm (PUPPY linux!)
- UNIX: switch '-screen:WCx*' sets 'C' columns, all available rows
- WIPE: Changed confirmation text and logic for a wipe starting at 0
- Windows: Enabled MSI install from Help -> Program Updates/Downloads
- OS/2: Enabled Warpin install from Help -> Program Updates/Downloads
- 14.7, OS/2 GET-update from web; Unix large screen support; Hex-edit tuning; Large-floppy/LUKS-crypto disk protection
- ABOUT: Show DFSee/TxLib build-date to YYYY-MM-DD for consistency
- ABOUT: Accept s-F4 as shortcut key, works from all Unix terminals
- Clearly identify/present (free)space for non partitionable disks
- DISK: Recognize another MBR variant 'IBM Thinkpad factory preload'
- HEXED: Avoid changing item-size (sectors) on using GOTO (Ctrl-G)
- HEXED: Default item size 4KiB (block); Overrule with 'edit -s:n'
- HEXED: Mouse click on ASCII [ or past ] columns to scroll UP/DN
- HEXED: Slightly different color for buffer before/after current
- HEXED: Speed up initial loading by optimizing first window paint
- HEXED: Tune window width for up to 128 HEX columns; relSN value
- HFS: Correctly identify HFS SB in 4096 byte sector size disks
- Kbd: treat shift-up/dn/left/right/pgup/pgdn just as Ctrl or Alt
- Kbd: shift-F5/F7/F8/F10/F12 alias for Alt-Fx on UNIX (windowing)
- Kbd: Linux: new rxvt codes ctrl-arrows/PgUp/PgDn Ctrl/Shift-Fkey
- LOG: Fixed rotating '-m:size' limitted log on mac/Linux platform
- LUKS: Recognize 'Linux Unified Key Setup' in sectordata, display
- LVM: Work on MBR-style disks only (not on GPT, FLP or CRP style)
- Linux: Probing for NVMe SSD, HVM virtuals and MMC (SD) devices
- MAP/ALLOC: Support and use screen widths up to 768 columns wide
- MAP/PART: Enhanced 'partitioning style' to: MBR, GPT, FLP or CRP
- MAP: Detect LUKS encrypted disks/partitions, show relevant info
- MAP: Optimize color usage for max diversity on various platforms
- MENU: Extra spacing between menuheaders if wider than 100 columns
- MOUSE: No scroll but OPEN on click right-side of drop-down-menu
- NEWMBR on large-flop or LUKS-crypted fails in batch or OEM-engine
- NEWMBR on large-flop or LUKS-crypted, extra warning in confirm
- NEWMBR without parameters does CURRENT disk ('.'), not ALL ('*')
- OS/2: External commands without need for extra to start
- OS/2: Filter WGET progress output to re-use the same line in SB
- OS/2: Filter WGET progress output, no repeated lines in the log
- OS/2: Fixed version number in DFSHIST.TXT and WPI distribution
- OUTPUT: Accept shift-arrow keys etc to scroll the output window
- OUTPUT: No command timestamp when echo is supressed for a command
- PART: Default block/clustersize 4096 bytes (when no bootsec value)
- PART: Encrypted GPT partition info, with FileVault header data
- PART: Fixed crash with '-b' or '-n' on large-floppy-format disk
- PART: Include Encrypted partition info, with (LUKS) header data
- PART: Include Encrypted disk info (LUKS) and wider 'info' column
- QUERY: New 'query DSTyle' partitioning style MBR, GPT, FLP, CRP
- SCRIPT: New variables $_d_pstyle (string) and $_d_cryptdisk
- SCRIPT: Updated DFSGETUP/DFSGETPY scripts to report missing 'wget'
- UIKEYS: Show key-description as well as decimal TXLIB key-value
- UNIX: Fixed bug on terminals over 32K cells; MAX width now 768
- UNIX: More iTem/Terminal key codes (like Ctrl-up/dn, shift-F11)
- UNIX: Set desktop to 80x25 if reported screensize 0x0 (in debugger)
- UNIX: Support small screen in large terminal window (-screen:WXxY)
- VCU/PCLEAR/FIXCHS/NEWMBR: No writing 'untouchable' disks (FLP/CRP)
- VER: New command to display single line of version/packaging info
- XML: New tag diskstyle="str" = "MBR, GPT", "FLP", "CRP" or "UNK"
- 14.6, Enhanced mouse support including Linux and macOS; DFSPUPPY bootable USB stick support; 88/256 colors on Linux/macOS
- ATTACH/DETACH: renamed from MOUNT and UNMOUNT, to avoid confusion
- BROWSE JFS: Honnor abort request ( key) building name-cache
- CD: Support leading '~' to represent HOME directory (env variable)
- CD: Allow a trailing path separator on specified path to go to
- DEV/VOL: On Linux, combine 'df' and '/proc/mounts' info for list
- DEV/VOL: On OSX, use 'df -h -l -m' output to list mounted devices
- DFSPUPPY/DFSUSB32 scripts: Better error handling (Windows Locks)
- EXT-CMD: Display info: (executed by the operating system)
- FAT(32): Fixup directory display; Display 1st cluster-to-be-used
- GPT: Allow non-standard ASCII name instead of Unicode (ISOHybrid)
- GPT: Process GPT even if no valid guard/EFI MBR part (ISOHybrid)
- IMAGE Dialog: Add buffersize option 'Disk geometry track size'
- JFS: Recognize Linux formatted FS in none-0x83 type, no bootsector
- LINUX: Allow '/mnt/home/dfsee/dfspuppy.imz' path for create stick
- LINUX: startup, attach /dev/vdX disks (virtio, ParaVirtualisation)
- Linux/macOS UI: Implement mouse events (xterm 1002 classic mode)
- Linux/macOS UI: Implement mouse events (xterm 1006, 1015 modes)
- MacOS: Own set of shell scripts; New dfsmwget/dfstrun for download
- LOG: Keep absolute path (no wandering) and honor -dir:path switch
- MBR: Recognize 'Puppy Linux std MBR, DFSee Slacko USB' (dfspuppy)
- MBR: Recognize 'Syslinux generic MBR code (ISOHybrid)' (Suse Leap)
- MENU: Added '[Basic]/[Expert]' mode indicator/button combination
- MENU: Edit -> Settings/Properties, DFSee -> Show type 0x00 as part
- MENU: File -> Attach RAW disk image, fixed attach command (use -i)
- MENU: File -> Attach physical disk, accept RAW image (Linux, OSX)
- MENU: File -> Device and Volume management-> Display/Unmount etc
- MENU: Help -> Program Updates / Downloads -> Get & install updates
- MENU: Optimize menubar layout for menu-cycle button (Expert/Basic)
- MENU: Scripts -> 'Make Puppy-boot (USB) disk' creates bootable USB
- MOUSE: Button-3 click: Present context-sensitive help (like )
- MOUSE: Ctrl-click, any button, close the (help) window or a dialog
- MOUSE: Menu HELP on ITEM under cursor; Ctrl-click never exit APP
- MOUSE: Right 3 columns of output-text-window act as a scrollbar
- MOUSE: Support Basic<>Expert switching by clicking the indicator
- MOUSE: Support contiguous list marking by dragging (browse window)
- MOUSE: Usage hint menu toggle + text-scroll in output window title
- PART: Allow primary to start at 0, update ERROR text (ISOHybrid)
- PATCHKEY: Command to replace keyvalue in current sector by actual
- PROGRESS: Replace clock() by TXTIMER high-res duration/throughput
- REGKEY: Inform on start/exit if using evaluation/upgrade temp key
- RESTORE: Fix crash when -b:N option specified, smaller than in IMZ
- SCRIPT: New $_dirsep script variable holding dir/path separator
- SCRIPT: New $_exedir script variable with executable-path, no sep
- SCRIPT: New $_exename script variable with executable-name, no path
- SCRIPT, DFSINSTL: New script to install a DFSee program update
- SCRIPT, DFSIFSTD: Don't fail due to 'NTFS auto open' on Linux etc
- SCRIPT: Added getenv(variablename) function to TX script language
- SCRIPT: Make help available from menu BEFORE running any scripts
- SCRIPT: Update help on 'defaultparam' for assigning string values
- SET PT0: Set partition-tables to show type 0x00 (deleted/hidden)
- SET SKIPFS: Set FS to skip on match driveletters (FAT32.IFS bug)
- SWITCH: -dir:path Sets default directory for File Open/Save etc
- TIMING: Replace clock() by TXTIMER, high-res (fixes bugs on UNIX)
- Trusted Cmds: 'WGET' for macOS/Linux, 'ZIP' and 'UNZIP' for all
- UI: Cleanup colorschemes; Optimized 3D-Commander for Linux/macOS
- UI: Definitions for Puppy Linux (rxvt/urxvt) F1..F4, s-F11, s-F12
- UI: Take BG-grey color from the 88 (rxvt) or 256 (xterm) palettes
- UI: Support 16-BG-colors (3D-grey) in rxvt and OSX Terminal/xterm
- UICC: New command to show 88/256 color palette in a 'cube' layout
- UIKEYS: Show keyboard + Mouse events, with decoding and timestamps
- UNIX: Auto adjust to new terminal window-size on next click/key
- UNIX: Support mouse-movement events (DRAG windows to move them)
- VirtDisk: in-memory renamed 'Mem-disk', and /dev/MdX now, not vdX
- 14.5, Support disks over 2TB; Large buffer imaging; IMZ create/verify/restore fixes; Better Smart Progress
- ALLOC: Predict smart-usage for better ETA in later imaging/cloning
- ALLOC: Signal Smart-use info not available when aborting display
- ALLOC: When single-line, output per character (acts as progress bar)
- ALLOC: display: show disk/part-ID/Drive being checked in status bar
- Added 'DISKUTIL' as trusted command for Mac OSX (to unmount disks)
- Allow external commands on any OS (file-redirect, or pipe on OS/2)
- BROWSE/IMAGE new compact index-file formats allowing objects > 2TB
- BROWSE: Fixed renaming of directories from dialog popup (HPFS/JFS)
- BROWSE: Mouse CLICK to select, DBLCLK to enter (subdir or menu)
- BROWSE: Support large (2MiB, DOS 256 KiB) buffers in IMZ browsing
- CLONE (smart): Better ETA using allocation-info for FS or whole disk
- CLONE: Hint at 'compare' fail, on partition clone and auto 'fixpbr'
- COMPARE: Fix sectornumber format in mismatch error text (32/64bit)
- CR: Symbolic name 'EXT' = 0x83, 'CONT' = 0x05 (extended container)
- Calculated Geometry (geocalc): Force 64/32 1-MiB geo on GPT disks
- DARWIN: Use faster 'rdiskN' devices, not 'diskN', unless -raw- switch
- DESKTOP folder OS2/Windows: Program object 'Browse IMZ imagefile'
- DESKTOP folder OS2/Windows: Program object 'HEX edit binary file'
- DFSBRIMZ: New shellscript to start an IMZ BROWSE for file/directory
- Dialogs: Add 64-bit field-2-value and value-2-field conversions
- Directory overviews: Allow up to 99.999 numbered entries (.NNNNN)
- Directory overviews: Display filenames in yellows, to stand out
- Directory overviews: Display filesizes as 13/20 pos 'dotted' value
- EDIT: New '-dir' option to present FileDialog with path + wildcard
- EDIT: New '-screen' option maximizes HEX-edit window to full-screen
- EFAT: Fix AreaInit Bitmap location (SMART on whole disk, with EFAT)
- EFAT: Fixed directory listing layout for 64-bit sector numbers
- EXTn: Fix AreaInit Bitmap + convert (SMART on whole disk, with EXTn)
- FILEDLG: Better handling of ROOT dir without any subdirectories
- FILEDLG: Fixed infinite looping message on invalid initial path
- FILEDLG: Require double-click to ENTER on a FILE (exits dialog)
- HEXED, update various screen messages for huge sectornumbers (X10)
- HEXED: Add Ctrl-Z (UNDO) hint in write-confirm popup and footer-text
- IMAGE (smart): Much better ETA caluclation, using allocation-info
- IMAGE-Dlg: Add BUFFER select in expert mode, remove Append/Excl-LVM
- IMAGE/CLONE: Automatic get Smart-ALLOC info when not there (ETA)
- IMAGE/CLONE: Changed default buffersize to 'optimal-for-current-OS'
- IMAGE/CLONE: Fixed 'smart optimize' percentage and skipped size
- IMAGE: Catch more IMZ compression errors in IMAGE decompress-verify
- IMAGE: Confirmation dialog on abort using , allow continue
- IMAGE: Do NOT zero unused sectors (full-disk SMART compare errors)
- IMAGE: Support large (2MiB, DOS 256KiB) buffers for IMZ create
- Image restore/compare/verify: Progress in decimal KBytes imagefile
- Improved handling of errors in external commands, better messages
- KEYS: command will show mouse event timestamp and DBLCLK detected
- Limit external-command RC values to 16-bit, incl Unix '-1' errors
- MENU: Actions, 'Open partition, Browse' browse on selected partition
- MENU: Display, 'I/O speed, larger buffer (as used for imaging)
- MENU: Image, Verify ... (and Image DLG): Fixed verify only option
- MOUSE: Detect double-click (quick button DOWN after a button-UP)
- More 64-bit updates, most display layouts accomodate up to 511 TiB
- NEWMBR: Reread diskinfo before 'newmbr' for up-to-date part count
- Opt -b or -b:track sets tracksize as buffersize, -b:N other values
- PART -V -a: Avoid display of allocation twice (slow on large disk)
- PROGRESS percentage now based on TIME values, not (sector) counts
- PTE: Fixed unwanted change from GPT to MBR style after Hex-Edit
- PTE: Updated dialog sector first/last fields to accept 64-bit values
- Partition displays and option/switch parameter parsing made 64-bit
- Prevent 'lvm' command to work on GPT style disks (corrupts PTA)
- Psave/Prestore/Image/Restore update for 64-bit sectornumbers / size
- RC: New cmd to SET a returncode and explain its meaning when known
- RESTORE: Support large (2MiB, DOS 256KiB) buffers in IMZ restore
- SCAN: Allow larger I/O buffers, and use optimized default size
- SLT, check allocation only when using '-a' or '-m' options (CHECK)
- SLT, check allocation only when using '-a' or '-m' options (CHECK)
- SPEED: Progress in seconds, add buffersize hint when using default
- UNIX: No quit on failing external command, give error explanation
- Updated ALLOC map displays for variable 64..256 character width
- Updated all ALLOC map displays for 64-bit sectornumber and sizes
- Updated statusline and default sector displays for 64-bit LSN's
- Updated to support 64-bit sectornumbers and disk/partition sizes
- WIPE: Add extra warning when wiping MBR or BOOTSECTOR (start at 0)
- 14.4, One fix, to the DOS version (bootable CD/stick) only: Image/index file creation
- IMAGE/BROWSE avoid image-file truncate (0 bytes) in DFSDOS version on creating an index
- 14.3, Several minor fixes and some small Menu, Query and DFSDISK enhancements
- DFSDISK: Enable creation of an XML file per disk again (done last)
- DFSDISK: Cancel BSFIND 'abort' condition, so script can continue
- LVM: On create new LVM-info on type 07, set installable flag to ON
- MAP -m: Changed 'P-Geo Disk n' terminology to 'BIOS-Geo D n'
- MENU Fdisk: 'OS2 LVM and BootManager -> Set LVM-CRC, remove obsolete'
- MENU Fdisk: 'OS2 LVM and BootManager -> Wipe LVM sectors in MBR area'
- PART/DISK: Non-standard tracksize warning only in 'pedantic' mode
- PART: Fix selection by driveletter for 1st partition, like 'part D:'
- PCLEAR: Do NOT clear LVM DLAT sectors in MBR track if not confirmed
- QUERY: Allow driveletter instead of PID for partition selection
- QUERY: I|B PID|driveletter: Query LVM Installable/On-BM-Menu flag
- RESIZE: Update LVM (size) information after resizing a PRIMARY too
- 14.2, Fixed multi-file IMZ browsing, WIPE limit fix, NTFS fixboot update, minor enhancements
- DFSCHECK: Support EFAT filesystems, using new DFSEFAT.DFS script
- HEXED: Disassembly and Text views, default window size made larger
- HEXED: Disassembly view, new comment column: instr bytes as ASCII
- IMAGE: Automatic decompress-verify, to catch Decode-stack overflows
- IMAGE: Create sets CRC usage as default again (broken in 14.0/14.1)
- IMAGE: Finish progress BAR on VERIFY/COMPARE before message display
- IMZ: Fixed reading from multi-file IMZ for BROWSE or imz-disk-mount
- MAP, BROWSE: Strip spaces at logfile end-of-line (avoid PMMail bug)
- MENU-help: added missing help item for Edit -> Set Batch
- NTFS, FIXBOOT -V- option selects XP NTLDR instead of Win-7 BOOTMGR
- NTFS, FIXNTLDR -V- option selects XP NTLDR instead of Win-7 BOOTMGR
- PROGRESS: Show elapsed seconds on status bar if screen wider than 90
- UI: Identical block-chars (progress) set to -/=/#/block (in 8-bit)
- WIPE: Limit area to the size of opened object, avoid error messages
- 14.1, Sync with JFS-1.9.7, Crash on close of VDI disks solved, UI enhancements (MAC/Linux)
- HEXED: Updated 'Initial LSN' description for extended attributese
- JFS: New 1.9.7 level boot code (fixboot) including DFSJFLDR image
- MENU: Edit-> Settings/Properties, UI -> UI test Color, Char, Box
- MENU: Edit-> Settings/Properties, UI -> UI cycle colorscheme/lines
- UI: Better looking draw-characters Linux/Darwin, with 8-bit ascii
- UI: Changed default ascii setting from -7 to -7- for Linux/Darwin
- UI: Combined COLORS, CHARSET and CBOXES command into new UICTEST
- UI: Definitions for Linux (xterm) Alt-F5 .. Alt-F12 key codes
- UI: Shift-F9/F12 starts color/scheme cycling with arrow keys
- VDI: Fixed program crash (trap) on unmount of a VDI mounted image
- 14.0, Browse filesystems with exit/view/recover, on disks or diskimages like .IMZ and .VDI
- ACCEL: Changed accelerator keys: F6=Open partition; F9=Browse
- AL: Low-level display/set individual FS allocation bits (bitmap)
- Added compacter RLE-2 and Smart-2 compression types for IMZ images
- BROWSE (Mode=FDISK): Support optional start PATH for selected PID
- BROWSE-Copy: Warning-popup if file allocation is not 100% reliable
- BROWSE-Copy: Warning popup on DIR copy, incl. 'do not ask again'
- BROWSE-Dialog: pops up an Actions menu, with edit, copy etc
- BROWSE-Dialog: Copy/Recover works on multiple (marked) files
- BROWSE-Dialog: Ctrl-BACKSLASH changes current list Dir to 'ROOT'
- BROWSE-Dialog: Ctrl-F/Alt-[ marks all Files, Ctrl-G/Alt-] all Dirs
- BROWSE-Dialog: Support (same-length) file-rename for JFS and HPFS
- BROWSE-Dialog: filter-popup, HEX-edit on file-contents or I/Fnode
- BROWSE-Dialog: multi marking with / + show #marked
- BROWSE-Dialog: selected file Copy/Recover from list with
- BROWSE-Dialog: selected file/dir available after exit (Enter key)
- BROWSE/HEXEDIT: New generic FS-function writing resident/meta data
- BROWSE/HEXEDIT: Support edit/view of resident data (like NTFS MFT)
- BROWSE/LIST -f: Fix alloc-OK percentage for files over 10Gb size
- BROWSE: 'View OS/2 EA or Xattr on a File/Dir' in context menu
- BROWSE: 40% faster startup on JFS (Build name/parent cache only)
- BROWSE: Add FsMakeBrowseList for: EXTn, JFS, FAT, EFAT, HPFS, NTFS
- BROWSE: Add item-type B/F/D to list/recover/browse select strings
- BROWSE: Added description for initial browse-contents, BROWSE xxx
- BROWSE: Added help-screens for the dialog, and the help-menu
- BROWSE: Automatic add 'dotdot' directory to MakeBrowsList on EFAT
- BROWSE: Base implementation of the BROWSE dialog works, no actions
- BROWSE: Defined generic directory BROWSE command, accelerator
- BROWSE: Descr delfind/filefind on HPFS, NTFS, JFS, FAT, EFAT, EXT
- BROWSE: File-Contents support in: JFS, NTFS, EXT, FAT, EFAT, HPFS
- BROWSE: Filesize (dotted - 999Tb): JFS, EXT, HPFS, NTFS, FAT, EFAT
- BROWSE: Filter shortname (8.3) names from NTFS, reverse with -8.3
- BROWSE: Modify-time in stringinfo: JFS, EXTx, HPFS, EFAT, FAT, NTFS
- BROWSE: Support in FileInfo() to return two file information strings
- CLONE-dialog: changed default modus to 'smart' cloning, faster
- CLONE/IMAGE: Much better ETA estimation when using SMART logic
- CLONE: Improved throughput with SMART (smaller buffer, more ZERO)
- CMDS: Expression brackets now must be double {{expr}}, not single
- CR:/BMGR install: Popup message for missing bmgr-IMG or MBR code
- CR: Honor '-align-' switch to force PRIMARY start within 1st track
- DARWIN: Added 42 Alt+ sequences to MAC OSX keyboard handler
- DISK: Changed '-i' option to '-std' for industry-std driveletters
- EDIT: -v:view 0=HEX, 1=DISASM, 2=ASCII, 9=AUTO (9 is default now)
- EDIT: Default to HEX mode when current sector is an MBR or EBR
- EDIT: File CONTENTS: support write-back with rsn->lsn translation
- EDIT: Restrict min/max sector when editing file CONTENTS (browse)
- EFAT: Create Directory-Parent cache on Init (Open) for BROWSE ..
- EXTn: Support recovery of directories and files with inlined data
- FINDPATH: Add display of filesize from DIR-entry, when available
- FsFileInfo filter on item-type on HPFS, NTFS, JFS, FAT, EFAT, EXT
- HELP: Better help-on-help selection in entry-field and menu-bar
- HELP: Better help-on-help selection in entry-field and menu-bar
- HEXEDIT/Ascii: = Toggle display of offsets on start of line
- HEXEDIT/Ascii: = Style: Rough/Clean and optional split lines
- HEXEDIT/Ascii: = Minimum length of 'strings' in ascii filter
- HEXEDIT/Ascii: Add filesize and name to title, when available
- HEXEDIT/Ascii: Clear excess area in last file sector(s) to zeroes
- HEXEDIT/Ascii: Preserve empty lines in pure ASCII files better
- HEXEDIT: = alternate-view: Disassemply, Ascii; auto select
- HEXEDIT: Support 'sparse' file extents (NTFS, JFS) on file editing
- IMAGE-dialog: changed default image type to 'smart-compressed'
- IMAGE: -x option and Dialog checkbox to generate XMZ INDEX too
- IMAGE: New '-8' option to create DFSee V13.x compatible IMZ images
- IMZ: Automatic generation of .XMZ indexfile for faster browsing
- IMZ: Fixed passing of correct accessInfo pointer (broken by VDI)
- IMZ: new command to BROWSE an partition/disk IMZ compressed image
- JFS: Show Total- versus Volume-Blocks as separate values on open
- L-Geo: From MBR table: Linear-Offset more important than CHS-end
- LIST -S: Show sectorlist (files) as info-strings needed for BROWSE
- LIST -r: Show sectorlist in cluster range format (for bad sectors)
- LISTSET: Set (range of) sectornumbers in sectorlist, optional clear
- Low-level handling for IMZ compressed images as IM or DISK object
- MENU: Add BROWSE to Action menu, and to FS-specific recovery menus
- MENU: Only enable direct directory-browsing when supported by FS
- MENU: 'Browse/Recover Deleted Files' for HPFS, NTFS and JFS (Expert)
- MENU: 'Open (partition) imagefile' to basic menu, for image browse
- MENU: Added 'Browse IMZ compressed image' to open+browse an image
- MENU: Added two more 'Edit Sector' variants: HEX and Text/Strings
- MENU: Help -> Keyboard usage overviewt; DFSee/TxWindows modules
- MENU: File->Mount/Unmount/Display disks->VirtualBox disk image
- MENU: File->Open a VDI (VBox) diskimage; Open Base/Snapshot VDI
- MENU: FORMAT: No errors/warnings on part-select before the format
- MENU: Moved 8 DFSee operational settings into an Edit submenu
- MENU: 'Image' menu with operations on IMAGES (from File/Actions)
- Mode=FDISK made startup default; Support BROWSE (partitions) cmd
- NTFS: Implemented WriteMetaSpace for resident data (small files)
- OpenFile dialog + options added to 'im' (open-imagefile) command
- PART: -P option to select partition from popup menu, add help/sort
- PART: Major WARNINGs in yellow, ERRORs in red, make them stand out
- RECOVER: Cleanup of interfaces, return full recovery-path to caller
- RECOVER: Discard-path, Force-8.3, Unique-name options in dialogs
- RECOVER: Reduce file 'SaveAs' output to a single line, from BROWSE
- RESTORE/IMZ-index: Better ETA estimation based on fileposition
- SAVEAS: FAT file recovery: Include saving OS/2 EAs (OS/2 version)
- SAVEAS: JFS file recovery: Include saving OS/2 EAs (OS/2 version)
- SAVEAS: Statusline progress reporting on COPY of files over 1Mb
- SAVEAS: Support 'sparse' file extents (NTFS, JFS) on file copying
- SLT: Fixed formatting issue with JFS/NTFS single line display
- STARTUP: Reorder commands to show errors/major warnings at the end
- Switch: -floppy includes diskettes in volumelists (slower startup)
- TXLIB: Changed expression brackets from single {expr} to double {{expr}}
- TXLIB: FILEDLG: Revert to 'last-known-good' DIR on inaccessible directory
- TXLIB: FILEDLG: Show file-window too in 'directory select' dialog as well
- TXLIB: FileOpenForWrite for generic open write/append, incl. large files
- TXLIB: INSERT key specific to class (toggle in Entry, mark in List)
- TXLIB: Introduced 3 alternative text-colors for selection-lists (BROWSE)
- TXLIB: List Mark, */=/Ctrl-A = ALL, Ctrl-Z = NONE, -/Ctrl-I = INVERT
- TXLIB: MsgBox: enlarged default size for message box popups to 52/78
- TXLIB: SELIST: Add 'marked' to list, and 'multiQuickPos' to items
- TXLIB: SELIST: Add marked count to top-right of title, when non-ZERO
- TXLIB: SELIST: Preserve multiple-select flags on reverse sorting
- UNDELETE: New generic command to find, then BROWSE deleted files
- VDI: Extra confirmation when loading a snapshot without a BASE
- VDI: Support VirtualBox static/dynamic and snapshot disk images
- VDI: implemented read/write support, updating last VDI in chain
- VDI: implemented read/write support, updating last VDI in chain
- VDI: new command opens Base VDI as disk, or adds snapshot to it
- 13.4, EXT2/3/4 full support, Auto 'Run as admin' on Windows, Auto SUDO for Linux/MAC
- WINDOWS: Added test in BAT scripts for foreign-language XP versions
- ABOUT OS-version: Added specific Windows-8, 8.1 and 10 kernels
- ALLOC: Recognize GPT-header+tables as BOOT areas in full-disk ALLOC
- CLONE/IMAGE: Enabled SMART for EXT2/3/4, except when META_BG used
- DFSDISK/DFSCHECK suppress final message ONLY with option -screen-
- DFSUSB32: Issue warning when trying to create a stick on (Free)DOS
- DFSUSB32: Updated descriptions to use simple 'DFSEEDOS.ISO' download
- EXTCMD: Added extra hint that it may be an incorrecly typed command
- EXTn: ABG: Display allocation with a single blockgroup per line
- EXTn: ALLOC/smart: Handle BLOCK_UNINIT for normal/backup groups
- EXTn: ALLOC: Add BlockGroup# to each line, when exactly 1 BG/line
- EXTn: BG: Added GDT/BM/Itable locations + sizes to verbose display
- EXTn: BG: Added backup-super, and UNINIT/ZEROED flag indicators
- EXTn: BG: Add display of the flags, like UNINIT block/inode bitmap
- EXTn: BSL: List backup superblock (+ metadata) groups and sectors
- EXTn: DFSEXT.dfs script updated for a complete CHECK analysis run
- EXTn: DIR: Better handling of empty entries (skip, no abort) SLT too
- EXTn: DIR: Display directory data, including related inode values
- EXTn: DIR: FileType string (dir/file) and INDEX root/node details
- EXTn: FILEFIND, implemented a QUICK search for file/directory Inodes
- EXTn: FINDPATH or '\path' command implemented, search Inode by path
- EXTn: INO: Auto show same Inode on 't', and show index in Statusline
- EXTn: INO: Calculate sector+index for specified Inode-number; display
- EXTn: INO: Detect and show UNKNOWN feature flags (INCOMPATIBLE etc)
- EXTn: INO: Display data allocation, BLOCK-INDIRECT or EXTENT-TREE
- EXTn: INO: Display linkname for small (inlined) symlink Inodes
- EXTn: INO: Display of Inode contents complete, except alloc S_SPACE
- EXTn: INO: Show 1st data on from BlockIndirect or ExtentTree
- EXTn: Init: determine DIRTY-status from Groups/Bitmap difference too
- EXTn: LIST: Show proper File information, path and allocation info
- EXTn: SLT/INO: Special inode-7 (RESIZE) handling, for display too
- EXTn: SLT: Add allocation for DIR and FILE Inodes, recursively
- EXTn: SLT: Added meta-allocation to SLT and to Inode verbose display
- EXTn: SLT: Include all SB, GDT, GDT-reserve, Block- and Inode-bitmaps
- EXTn: SUPER: Auto show ROOT Inode on from superblock display
- FILEDLG: Create correct directory with [Make Dir] for absolute paths
- FILEFIND, JFS, HPFS, NTFS: added 'search files only' option '-f'
- LINUX: New 'dfs' sudo-start script, setup symlinks to /usr/local/bin
- MENU: EDIT: Update some descriptions for 'Force operation Mode=xxx'
- MENU: EXTn: Added File recovery submenu, Filefind, Recover, Hex-edit
- MENU: EXTn: Added Inode selection by ino# or one of the special ones
- MENU: EXTn: Alloc map, by Blockgroup; Display group aligned ALLOC map
- MENU: EXTn: Analyse EXT Filesystem (check) and SLT submenu added
- MENU: EXTn: List BACKUP Superblocks; List all BACKUP groups (super)
- MENU: EXTn: Mode=EXT2_3 name changed to EXTn, to account for EXT4
- MENU: EXTn: Show BlockGroup Summary; Show flags and alloc for group
- MENU: Error message when trying to add a GPT partition to Bootmanager
- PART -v: Added backup-super-BG indicator 'S' for EXTn backup groups
- WINDOWS/DOS/OS2: 'dfs' BAT/CMD as alias for 'dfsee', like Linux/Mac
- WINDOWS: Include 'DFSRUNAS.EXE' for automatic 'Run as Administrator'
- WINDOWS: Resize window on startup now to 80% of screen, lines+cols
- WINDOWS: Updated the batch-scripts to work with DFSRUNAS (XP..WIN10)
- 13.3, Linux huge disk support, GRUB enhancements and 4096 BPS disk support
- ALLOC: Avoid crash on empty NTFS, HFS, RSR or EXT2/3/4 filesystems
- CR: Fixed 1-MiB alignment for 1st primary GPT partition on 4096 BPS
- CR: Make better aligned size-estimate based on -f freespace option
- CR/CLEANUP: Preserve an ACTIVE extended in MBR (but reset in EBR's)
- DARWIN: Change 'Linux device ...' strings in output to 'Unix device'
- DARWIN: Change 'Linux device ...' strings in output to 'Unix device'
- DARWIN: Use an exact 1 MiB cylinder size as default disk geometry
- DISK: Allow sectorsize of 512-byte multiples upto 4096, except OS/2
- EFAT Fixed bitmap calculations for ALLOC display/Smart on 4096 BPS
- EFAT/FAT32 fixed possible brec bootsec buffer overflow on 4096 BPS
- EXT2/3/4: Fix recognition and calculation for non 512 BPS, 4096 BPS
- EXT2/3/4: Implemented BG cmd to display group info and block bitmap
- EXT4: Automatic display of combined bootsector+superblock, 4096 BPS
- EXT4: Smart cloning/imaging and ALLOC supported with BLOCK_UNINIT
- EXT4: Discard 'smart' clone/image option if option META_BG (>256Tb)
- EXT4: Fix Group Descriptor for non-std sector/block sizes, 4096 BPS
- FAT: Correctly handle .NNN selection from FAT directory on 4096 BPS
- FIND: Fixed searching in exact MiB boundaries (BSFIND) on 4096 BPS
- GPT: Added hints to create the GPT-guard, and EFI-system partitions
- GPT: Added the 'BIOSBOOT' GPT partition type to type selection list
- GPT: Validate entry last-PSN against HDR to support 64-bit SN better
- HFS: Fixed calculations for Blocksize and bits / block on 4096 BPS
- LINUX: Fix physical disk size calculation for disks > 2Tb
- LINUX: Show EXT2/3/4 native FS in GPT type LINUX_ROOT_X86_32 or _64
- MBR: Added recognition for GRUB2 originated generic MBR bootcode
- MENU: Handle a GPT-style type for 'Change partition type' (settype)
- MOVE: Fix spurious crash when moving to BEGIN freespace
- NEWMBR: Select disk before allocating sector (fix 4096 BPS crash)
- NTFS: Fixed bitmap calculations for ALLOC display/Smart on 4096 BPS
- NTFS: Fixed calculations for $BadClust resize and reset on 4096 BPS
- NTFS: Fixed reading of the logfile flags and logstatus on 4096 BPS
- PART: Added partition type 0xDA for Linux non-FS data (RAID variant)
- PART: Display ACTIVE indicator on extended container (GRUB stage-1)
- PART: Force display of first (outer) extended container, if ACTIVE
- PART: Open, show Clustersize in sectors, not *512 byte on 4096 BPS
- PART: Short descr. of EBR bootcode (if any) added to 'Related' col
- RAW2IMZ, IMAGE, CR (partition) fixed size specification on 4096 BPS
- SCRIPT: Change $_p_linux... variables to the more generic $_p_unix..
- SETTYPE: Support type change for GPT-style partitions using -t:
- TRACE: Made '-r' = reopen logfile on each line, the default setting
- 13.2, Enhanced disk geometry dialog, LVM optimizations on partition create
- CR/LVM: Allow -synclvm for driveletter on initial partition creation
- CR: Limit CHS values to the maximum values, instead of clipping them
- GEO: Dialog, new big-SSD 255/248 checkbox and Cyl/Track size display
- LVM: Allow the (documented!) -n:diskname option on a single partition
- MENU2HTML: Added (to-BASIC/EXPERT-menu) link in navigation menu-bar
- 13.1, Auto disk-name change on CLONE, various small feature updates and fixes
- ABOUT: Mention 'dfsee.key' instead of just KEY in registration texts
- ABOUT: Update version and copyright info in various places for 2016
- CLONE: Only show 'Exclude LVM' checkbox in dialog for a type 0x35 part
- CLONE: Update (LVM) diskname on disk-to-disk clone; checkbox in dialog
- COPY: Re-introduce the 'Copy Part to freespace area' for Basic UI mode
- IMAGE: Include nett nr of sectors imaged in the IMZ ascii header info
- IMAGE: Show imagefile-write-speed as well as disk-sector throughput
- MAP: Unify error reporting on inaccessible disks, reserved USB (Win7)
- MENU: Newmbr ERASE tables: fix -clear option to -c (and a few similar)
- PART: Fixed formatting error on an LVM Signature missing warning text
- PRESTORE: restore LVM feature info from *.Fxx IMZ image, when found
- PSAVE: Save LVM BBR feature info on type 0x35 to an *.Fxx IMZ image
- PSAVE: Reduced description in header for better text formatting
- PSAVE: Fix .PDx header signature for PRESTORE (cosmetic bug in 13.0)
- RESTORE: Show imagefile-read-speed as well as disk-sectors throughput
- TXLIB: Fixed txwEnableWindow to actually ENABLE from disabled state
- 13.0, Full support for the GPT partitioning style, including move, copy and resize
- Added '-?' online help to 'H','h','A' and 'a' sector display commands
- Added warning when GPT guard partition there, but no valid header/array
- CR: Accept symbolic names for GPT partition types (WIN,EFI,LIN, etc)
- CR: Added dedicated [Manual Edit type GUID] button to CR GPT dialog
- CR: Dialogs, cleaned up maximum-size/offset calculation & alignment
- CR: Fixed alignment for position and size for GPT (0x800, 1 MiB)
- CR: Force '-U' option when creating a GPT guard partition, type 0xEE
- CR: GPT Dialog, added sub-dialog with check-boxes for attribute flags
- CR: GPT Dialog, added '[x] Do NOT align to MiB boundaries' check box
- CR: GPT Dialog, fixed calculation for aligned/unaligned maximum sizes
- CR: Implemented "cr gpt" to create/recover a GPT HDR+PTA structures on a disk
- CR: Implemented '-attrib:'hex' option for GPT 64-bit attribute values
- CR: Implemented GUID/UUID edit dialog, with 5 separate HEX-only fields
- CR: Implemented GPT-style partition-create dialog, with type select list
- CR: Implemented the actual CreatePartition() fot GPT, writing HDR+PTA
- CR: MBR Dialog, added '[x] Do NOT align to CYL boundaries' check box
- CR: Make default size for GPT EFI partition 128 MiB
- CR: Supply a default partition name, based on the current type-GUID
- CR: alignment fixes, and update of documentation files
- CR: changed '-U' option to '-align-' for consistency (do NOT align)
- DELETE: Implemented delete of a single GPT partition, or ALL on 1 disk
- Don't allow writing outside PSN limits, except for expandable files
- EDIT: Implemented Fix '-c:N' (nr of byte columns) option in HEX editor
- EDIT: Make sure write (back) errors are displayed and show up in the LOG
- EXPAND: Allow partition expand for unknown filesystems (Part-table only)
- EXPAND: Fixed FAT16 bootsector validation for sizes close to the limit
- EXPAND: Fixed partition type for types larger than 0x10 (HEX-DEC mixup)
- EXPORT: fixed crash when using -d option (as used in DFSDISK procedure)
- FAT format, no update of (MBR-style) partition type for a GPT partition
- Fixed creation of PRIMARY with -G:n GAP specified (like GPT 0xEE guard)
- Fixed menu ownership to make accelerator keys work from any window/menu
- GPT -fix will move an incorrect-placed alternate hdr/PTA, when possible
- GPT: Always SORT table-array when before writing, including 'lvm -fix'
- GPT: Better CRC and sanity checks on GPT structures, more specific warnings
- GPT: Edit Partition Tables, implemented dialog for single entry edit
- GPT: Fix FAT16 filesystem recognition and display for GPT partitions
- GPT: HELP for PTE dialog, fix help for the type-GUID listbox in CR
- GPT: Implemented GUID 'time+random' generator and 'uuidgen' test command
- GPT: No WARNING if alternate HDR is at end-guard, not end-disk (hybrid)
- GPT: new command 'gpt' and 'gpt -fix' to display/fixup (damaged) GPT info
- Linux: Fixed working of Shift-TAB for Linux terminal (dialog navigation)
- Linux: Re-introduced escape-sequence for Shift-Tab, as an alias (from 12.6)
- MENU: Added a 'Fix GPT header / tables' menu item in Mode=FDISK
- MENU: Added a convert MBR to GPT, and GPT to MBR items to Mode=FDISK
- MENU: Changed OSX partition ID from '/dev/disN' to 'diskXsN' identifier
- MENU: Create and Open freespace, logical/primary lists updated for GPT
- MENU: Restore partition info (PRESTORE dialog): include GPT sector types
- MENU: IMZ2RAW improved handling of source path and sizefield with -S
- MENU: Updated partition/BMGR selection lists for GPT-style partitions
- MOUNT/VIRT allow size in sectors larger than C*H*S (partial cylinders)
- MOVE/COPY: Support for GPT partitions, including MBR to GPT or GPT to MBR
- MOVE: Retain original (unique) partition GUID when moving GPT to GPT
- OSX/Linux: Use 'stty -echo' at start to avoid spurious input echos
- OSX: Changed a few key-bindings for better MAC-OSX compatibility (Alt to Ctrl)
- PART added MBR type 0xEF for an EFI System Partition (ESP) on an MBR disk
- PART: Add 'part -w' hint to Linux NOTE if there are unaligned partitions
- PART: Check for the HFS+ FS for GPT 'Apple CoreStorage' or 'Apple Boot'
- PART: New warning when a GPT partition has a non-unique partition-GUID
- PART: Show number of supressed MINOR warnings when just showing MAJOR ones
- PART: Supress 'NO-active partition' warnings for GPT style disks
- PL: Supress (OS/2 USB) dummy disks when showing freespace areas (pl f)
- PSAVE: Add GPT info to ASCII-header and GPT header/table sectors to .PDx
- PTE: Finished handling of field contents for the GPT variant
- PTE: Implemented NEXT, PREV, and F2/F5/F8 Hexedit actions for GPT
- PTE: MBR and GPT, changed default sector value to HEXadecimal format
- RESIZE/EXPAND: Added support to resize filesystems in GPT partitions
- SET: 'align' property for CREATE partition, AUTO, CYL, MIB or #sectors
- STARTUP: switch '-align:value to set default alignment on partition CR
- UI: Entryfields: stylebits to filter on decimal or hex number input only
- 12.7, Commandline history behaviour now configurable, some Linux usability updates
- SET: Fixed crash in 'set screen', added current value display on others
- SET HISTORY: commandline behaviour: PLAIN, FILTER, UNIQUE or CLASSIC
- HISTORY buffer behaviour: plain, completion-filter and/or duplicate-filter
- OSX/Linux: Use 'stty -echo' at start to avoid spurious input echos
- Linux: fixed working of Shift-TAB for Linux terminal (dialog navigation)
- 12.6, Linux readability updates, new SET items, better error handling and several fixes
- DFSUSB32 'Create bootable USB': Detect locked FS (Windows) by wipe MBR and retry
- DFSF32ST, DFSF16ST, DFSIFSTD, DFSJFS35 scripts: Handle (Windows) locked FS better
- FIX*LDR: Allow spaces in DIR names for FIXNTLDR, FIXHPLDR, FIXJFLDR and VIRT
- FIXNTLDR: Supply specific version of loader for Windows-7 and up: DFSNTLDR.IM7
- GEO: Select correct LVM-DLAT for Geometry, when multiple are present
- IMAGE/RESTORE/CLONE: Avoid defaulting 'confirmation' to 'error ignore' in batch
- LOG: Fixed autonumbering of logfiles 'fname^' for Linux and OSX platforms
- MENU: added 'Ignore (R/W) errors' selection to 'Edit' menu, with indicator
- MENU: added UX devicename to selection text for partitions in lists and menus
- PART: Moved 'ux' column in table displays to directly after the 'ID' column
- SCREEN: '-reset' resets terminal on exit (UNIX: reset, others: CLS)
- SET: added 'set error confirm/ignore/quit' to use from scripts (profile.dfs)
- SET: added 'set reset on/off' for terminal RESET on program exit
- SWITCHES: Fixed several 'long name' switch names (wrong in 12.5!)
- UI: Updated CLONE and IMAGE dialogs for wider partition lists (UX device)
- 12.5, Script and Linux/Mac filerecovery/file-dialog enhancements plus minor fixes and updates
- CLONE: Updated help/usage with more complete '-b' option description
- CONFIRM command, ignore all keys except Y/N and in non-windowed UI
- Disk warnings GEOMETRY/GEOMETRY_EX: added disk-number (Windows only)
- Explicit WARNING if disk LVM geometry has more than 65535 cylinders
- FINDPATH support either DOS or UNIX style path separators, and usage text
- File Dialogs, fixed initial selection BUG in Dir/File lists (visible on Linux)
- File Dialogs, fixed new PATH field handling in FileDialog for UNIX/Linux
- File Dialogs, made the [New directory] work properly for UNIX/Linux
- File recovery: Create/accept proper path separators '/' for Linux/MAC
- HELP minor update to SCRIPT host variable descriptions ($_rc, PRINT)
- HELP Sorted most options alphabetically in *.TXT and '-?' online help
- LVM: Usage text updated, sorted options, partition versus disk level
- MENU: 'mount physical disk' to DFSee list; text changed to 'accessible'
- OEM versions build more generic, allowing multiple branding and functionality
- Progress -G:0 switch for BAR only, -G:11 for single line percentage (OEM)
- Progress -G:0 show leading units/reason short text on progress bars display
- RUN: status prompt, updated to better reflect SCRIPT return values
- SCREEN refresh on every status-line update using '-refresh' EXE switch
- SCREEN refresh using Ctrl-L now available for any operating system
- SCRIPT PRINT statement to print (string) expression (debugging)
- SCRIPT explicit 'RETURN expression', ends script with given RC
- SCRIPT preserve explicit $_rc assignment value by (user) script
- SCRIPT return $_rc value when reaching end-of-script (no RETURN)
- SCRIPT substitute $_rc for an empty expression on RETURN
- SCRIPT updated HELP section for the PRINT and RETURN statements
- Scripts (to create various USB sticks with LVM): Fixed confirmation/comment bug
- 12.4, Minor release with many file recovery enhancements, some HPFS specific ones, and more ...
- ADJUST FS size, respect HPFS 64GiB limit in manual command 'resize -m'
- EFAT file recovery: set original file date/time from FILE dir entry
- EFAT file recovery: fix directory interpretation bug causing failure
- EXPAND do NOT allow manual override of maximum size in dialog (clip)
- EXPAND filesystem/partition, limit size to 64GiB for HPFS filesystems
- EXPAND Max accepted size automatically reduced for cylinder alignment
- FAT(32) file recovery: set original file date/time, incl create/access
- FAT(32) file recovery: use long-filename for recovered file, if present
- FDISK/startup: 0-disks/admin-hint in popup requiring user confirmation
- FILEFIND/DELFIND -D option to search for DIRECTORIES only (when possible)
- GEO Update total nr of sectors and cylinders on byte-per-sector change
- HELP (commandline) added the MENU2HTML command to '??' command overview
- HPFS DELFIND/FILEFIND Create proper FNODE find-SPACE for fast searching
- HPFS Fnode display and 'list -f': show FULL long-filename and path
- HPFS file recovery: set original file date/time, when still available
- HPFS file recovery: use FULL long filename (>15) when still available
- HPFS file recovery: use FULL long name (>15) on all path components too
- HPFS: Fixed hang with long-filename display on deleted files/directories
- ID '-v-' non-verbose, suppress contents display for the sector
- IMAGE/RESTORE correctly set default size when a start offset specified
- LIST '-d-' suppress contents display for the '-c' cmd execution option
- LIST '-t-' or '-t' TEST option is passed on to cmd given with '-c'
- LIST '-v-' or '-v' VERBOSE option is passed on to cmd given with '-c'
- LIST: Changed function key from 'alloc' to list display (list -f)
- LOG Display DFSee working directory at startup and start of any logfile
- PART table (read/view) Fix handling of size value 0xffffffff (truncate)
- PART WARNING for GPT header at WRONG sectorsize (512 byte versus 4 KiB)
- RECOVER Set original timestamps on DOS/OS2: fix 'off by 1 month' bug
- RECOVER Set original file access/modify timestamps on UNIX/Linux too
- SCAN sn parameter to set the start sector for the scan as MCS-number
- SLT2LIST correctly set default size when a start offset specified
- VDISK avoid traps on read/write after changing geometry bytes-per-sector
- WINDOWS added hint to reduce security level in User Access Control (UAC)
- WIPE correctly set default size when a start offset is specified
- 12.3, Minor release with HUGE performance improvement in file-recovery and some fixes
- CR: avoid rounding UP by 1 MiB for 1st primary or a logical (64/32 geometry)
- DELFIND/FILEFIND: Speed up SPACE search with Rsn2Lsn translation cache
- DELFIND/FILEFIND: on EFAT: '-d-' option: outside DIR space too
- DELFIND/FILEFIND: on EFAT: Automatic SLT build for fullpath lookup
- DELFIND/FILEFIND: on FAT/HPFS, on-demand create FNODE space (not on open)
- DELFIND/FILEFIND: on FAT12/16/32 '-d-' option: outside DIR space too
- DELFIND/FILEFIND: on FAT12/16/32: Automatic SLT build for fullpath lookup
- DELFIND/FILEFIND: on HPFS: '-d-' option: outside FNODE space too (slower!)
- DELFIND/FILEFIND: on JFS (QFI): Automatic SLT build for fullpath lookup
- DELFIND/FILEFIND: on JFS: Integrated QFI (Quick Find Inodes) for consistency
- DELFIND/FILEFIND: on NTFS: '-d-' option: outside MFT space too (slower!)
- DFSDISK (bsfind) recognise JFS superblocks on 64/32 (1 MiB) geometries
- EFAT: Implement directory iteration to allow faster (SPACE) searching
- FIND: allow search restricted space (ALLDIRS) only, for faster filesearch
- FINDSPACE command to display filefind/delfind SPACE areas, when known
- FS: Init Filesystem, ignore empty 'FSINIT' cmd after EXPORT/IMPORT list
- ISO: Fix deliverable ZIP files to include the 'dfsi*' executables again
- LVM Dialog: Fixed help to show the context sensitive LVM dialog help
- MENU: FileFind/DelFind dialog enhanced with checkbox 'outside DIR space'
- MENU: FileFind/DelFind dialog enhanced with persistent search argument
- UI: Allow up to five checkboxes on value-prompt and DIR-selection dialogs
- 12.2, Minor release with EFAT filerecovery and several fixes and new features
- ABOUT: fixed item count in 'Expert' help menu to again include the 'About' item
- NEWMBR: -n and -N option to create MBR without any bootcode/NT-signature
- DISPLAY: sector identification for empty MBR (just 55AA) to correct type
- ALLOC: Update global info after 'alloc' command, enabling resizing menu items
- Added 'part PID -a' hint on resizing menu items not being available message
- CR: fixed auto LVM creation from the 'Create partition' dialog (lvm 1 -C ..)
- EFAT: Added search for normal/deleted files to the recovery submenu
- EFAT: DELFIND cmd, search deleted or renamed files/dirs by name fragment
- EFAT: FILEFIND cmd, search normal files by name fragment (15 chars max)
- EFAT: Fix DIR display (list) for FILE/STREAM entries spanning 2 sectors
- EFAT: resolve FILE (85) from stream/name (c0/c1) DIR entries (filefind etc)
- FIND: Better EFAT directory entry filtering for finding normal/deleted
- FIND: Progress SN shown from start OBJECT, not start search (experimental)
- PART: Made '-a' the default to show alloc info, enabling resizing menu items
- SETBOOT -disk:* updates ALL installed bootmanagers, and is now the default
- TRACE: Removed extra debug info display from (WIN32) TxFileSize
- 12.1, Minor release with support for the EFAT filesystem, several small fixes and features
- AL command, show allocation free/used for specified LSN and optional size
- BATCH command, added '-?' usage help and '?' for batch status display
- Binary display current sector (Hexdump) keyboard shortcut changed to Ctrl+B
- Buffersize adjust restore IMZ: AUTO in BASIC-mode, confirm once for EXPERT
- CREATE keep correct minimum size for first logical (move up to cylinder 1)
- DIALOG 'Partition Table Edit' (PTE), fix PT-entry line to get initial focus
- DIALOG 'Set Geometry', automatically set RADIO buttons to match current L-GEO
- DISK warning about OS/2 non-standard sectors/track fixed for disks > 1 TiB
- EFAT BOOTSYNC: calculate CRC and write to one or both boot areas (sync)
- EFAT SAVETO implemented for files, directories, and bitmap+upcase sysfiles
- EFAT Volume Label recgonition from Root directory in table / part -V
- EFAT bootsector recognition in MBR or GPT partitions and Large-Floppy
- EFAT directory including alloc display and list -f type filename display
- EFAT formatted display for bootsector, ALLOC display based on clusters
- EFAT implementation of Bitmap caching and ALLOC functionalty using bitmap
- EFAT list -f and detailed-directory displays debug and touch-up TZ format
- EFAT list -f calculate percentage of correct allocation (recoverability)
- EFAT, completed the Mode=EFAT menu, derived from the regular FAT one
- FAT(32) list -f calculate percentage of correct allocation (recoverability)
- FAT-FS display selected dir-entry in statusline next to 'this' sector-nr
- HELP/SCROLLBUFFER: Reverse search keyboard shortcut now Ctrl+R (was Ctrl+B)
- LVM 'pid -C' option: CLEAR LVM-signature (BBR) for one non-0x35 type partition
- LVM -d:x -C' or '-C' option: CLEAR LVM-signature from ALL non-0x35 partitions
- LVM auto create MBR DLAT with prompted disk-name on 1st LVM info for a disk
- MENU Edit, display BATCH-mode status, and allow toggle ON or OFF
- MENU Mode=Fdisk, LVM, 'Clear BBR on non-LVM partitions' wipes obsolete LVM-sig
- PART ERROR CHS/LBA-offset mismatch below cyl-1024, changed to a WARNING
- PART WARNING for non LVM (0x35) partitions that DO have an LVM BBR sector
- PART WARNING if LVM DLAT size or startsector do not match partition table
- PRESTORE, suppress 'test on virtual disk first' hint when disk IS a virtual
- RESTORE, fixed size related bug in restoring multiple-file compressed image
- SAVETO automatic get FAT directory entry from sector list after .NNN select
- SLT build implemented for the EFAT filesystem, including reserved areas
- SLT build, change end-of-disk marker to '***** max *****' no number value
- Startup, echo the DFSee invocation commandline to the screen and logfile
- 12.0, Major release with BASIC/EXPERT modes, search/grep in HELP and output, and DUMPFS support
- ALLOC partition map support for DUMPFS (dump usually smaller than partition)
- BASIC aware dialogs for set-LVM and CREATE-partition operations
- BASIC aware menus for File, Edit, Actions, Display, Help and mode=FDISK
- BASIC aware menus for HPFS, NTFS, JFS, Reiser, XFS, HFS, EXT2-3, SWAP and AUX
- CHECK on NTFS partitions: supress 'bad fixup structure' message on empty MFT's
- CLONE, IMAGE, FIND, File-recovery: 'Confirm' to 'Ignore' after an error
- CREATE dialog: default for 'allow multiple primaries' changed to TRUE
- DFSDISK dialog: default changed to 'Search on Cylinder and MiB boundaries'
- DFSEDIT batch/cmd script; Avoid interpreting any physical disks using -d-
- DUMPFS filesystem support to show OS/2 dump partition contents (DUMPFS.IFS)
- GREP, search the output text window, and present search-results in a list
- HELP, Added lists/searching to HELP command and Help menu, including GREP
- HELP, added interface to load helpsections from external text files
- HELP, consolidated TXwindows and Script help information, incl DFSee variables
- HELP, implemented GREP like search, with result-list and toggle key
- HELP, implemented item and sections lists and help-search dialog
- HELP: '/' key as alias for the function key to start the search dialog
- HELP: search dialog 'titles only' option; footer text in GREP list
- HEXED, fixed 'IM -A-' option to prevent FILE appending using the INSERT key
- IMAGE/CLONE dialog: default for 'smart' changed to FALSE (max reliability)
- IMZ2RAW, no PSN limit check on writing to FILE object, to allow extending
- LOADHELP command to add additional help contents like user hints and tips
- LVMCLEAN wipes obsoletes LVM DLAT sectors in the MBR track (sect 1 .. 254)
- MENU Edit, added new item to switch between BASIC and EXPERT user interface
- MENU Mode=FDISK MBR area, added selection for 'Wipe LVM sectors MBR-area'
- MENU2HTML, make menu doc generator (PHP/HTML) 'BASIC' aware
- PCLEAR L now includes clearing all LVM DLAT sectors in MBR track (LVMCLEAN)
- SEARCH, or '/' search (backwards) through the output text window for any phrase
- SET EXPert on/off/toggle sets or toggles the UI mode between BASIC and EXPERT
- Sample scripts directory cleaned up for all platform versions
- Startup switch '-expert' switches directly to EXPERT mode (default is BASIC)
- TXLIB: Added 'switch to Expert mode' hint after each help item
- TXLIB: MENU2HTML change fixed 'txmshots' DIR to specified prefix
- User interface updated to allow a 'BASIC' mode, easier to master than 'EXPERT'
- WARNING, calculate OS/2 65535 cylinder limit from geometry, not fixed 255/63
- WARNING, no 65535 cyl limit warnings if NO OS/2 FS present, and not on OS/2
- WIPE, allow switching from strategy 'Confirm' to 'Ignore' after an error
- WIPE, honnor the -E:strategy switch/option to continue after bad sectors
- 11.7, Minor release with several fixes, some small new features and extended evaluation period
- Desktop creation dfswpobj.cmd added to ZIP distributio, OS2 directory is now 'bin'
- Desktop creation dfswpobj.cmd update to match WPI (and then some, thanks Lewis!)
- Display Geometry+Status in menu, and on F7 function key, 'vol' now a-F7
- Display change 'HcSC:' instead of 'CHS' for part-table entry 3-byte combos
- Fixed help reference for new-MBR, ERASE tables menu selection
- Fixed opening 'File' menu at startup, just select it, but no actual open
- GEO (startup) force H64/S32 when partitions seem to be aligned to 1-MiB (0x800)
- NOBADS on NTFS, set $Bad attribute to default size (to avoid third-party bugs!)
- PART / ReadDiskInfo, fixed minor BMGR labeling bug when no LVM info present
- RESTORE expand buffer if image (IMZ) geometry requires that, with confirmation
- Removed duplicate 'P' and 'D' accelerator keys from Mode=FDISK menu pulldown
- Removed several other duplicate menu accelerator keys from main and submenus
- SCAN (and others) termination error on OS2 and 255 sectors/track geo, fixed
- SET GEOCALC, reset forced geometries when switching 'geocalc' ON or OFF
- Show opened object details in app-title; show title on a 28-line screen too
- VCU (Apply default LVM info): fixed crash when used on an empty disk
- WPI install script updated, with improvements submitted by Lewis Rosenthal
- 11.6, Minor release with small fixes, cosmetic changes and extended evaluation period
- Add Windows (NT/XP/W7/W8) lastError description on 'unknown errors' RC 1
- Add Windows (NT/XP/W7/W8) lastError description on reading a bad sector
- Avoid driveletter display bug on Windows FAT(32) by ignoring dirty flag
- Evaluation expiration date (run without a key) extended to end of 2013
- Fix line-wrap in Help->Exe startup switches; Allow numeric logfilename
- Fixed URL's to help/about and presentations in the various readme files
- Improved warning messages 'BIOS versus OS size' on OS/2 cyl. > 65535
- Refresh DFSee tables from disk before displaying disk-map from the menu
- SCAN fixed non functioning '-a-' option on SCAN command to supress auto-ID
- Show currently opened/active logfile with 'log -?' or 'log ?'
- Updated 'Geometry Dn from :' to 'Disk n L-Geo from', with 'PSN' in 8 digits
- Updated usage text on 'lvmshow -?' to document the '0' parameter
- 11.5, Minor release, better cylinder alignment on CREATE, fix DFSDISK 'all superblocks' search, many fixes
- ALIGNEXT non-zero RC if no room for alignment or other error
- CLONE Confirmation popup after a write-error on cloning (continue/abort)
- CLONE Log errors to screen/logfile on read while cloning, even when using -E:I
- CR Added cylinder-alignment when positioning from END of freespace
- DFSDISK added the updated DFSDPROC script to actual distribution
- DFSUSB32 create bootable-stick script made a little more robust
- DISK/PART Continue partition analysis when no MBR/EBR 55AA sig, but valid tables
- DISK/PART Specific error/warning when MBR or EBR has no 55AA sig, but valid table
- HELP #834 fixed spelling error 'AVCTIVE' partition to 'ACTIVE'
- IMAGE Log read errors to screen/logfile on create image, even when using -E:I
- LIST mention IMPORT command when trying to use an empty sectorlist
- NTFS DIRFIND 'not implemented' error message fixed; Build on W500
- NTFS descriptive message if $Volume MFT has no VolumeInfo attrib
- NTFS update volume serialnr and display bootsector, use 16 digits
- PART show LVM diskname even if no partitions are listed in DLAT
- PSAVE/DFSDISK fixed crash with the MAC version on writing the .PDx files
- RESTORE Confirmation popup after a write-error on restore image (continue/abort)
- SMART Fixed alloc info for MBR area in dfsFdskSetNewArea() used for 'Smart'
- STARTABLE Setting a primary ACTIVE does no longer hide all other primaries on disk
- TXLIB Kbd added hack for altGr+backslash to '\' for German keyboards
- WARNING No 'alignext' hint on 'partition overlaps DLAT' for a primary partition.
- WINDOWS GetLastError TRACE on failing Create/Write/ReadFile Win32 calls
- WINDOWS Improved error code on write errors (rc 1 -> GetLastError())
- 11.4, Minor release with a few menu updates, 2 new USB-stick scripts and some minor fixes
- DFSDISK correct full display multiple-FS superblocks from bsfind
- EDIT binary-file, fix bogus error popup if 'this' SN too large
- FILE fixed help-page numbering for 'File->Trace to cyclic' files
- MENU Mode=EXT2+3 changed to EXT2_3 for correct menu DOC generation
- MENU SCRIPT added create type 0x07 HPFS/JFS/NTFS USB disk/stick
- MENU SCRIPT added create type 0x35 classic JFS USB disk/stick
- MENU2HTML static HTML generation updated for the new scripts menu
- VIRT no hint to 'restore to virtual disk first' if this IS a virtual
- 11.3, Significant release with GEO dialog, updates to bootable USB, new fix commands and much more!
- ALIGNEXT command to delete/recreate (first) logical for alignment
- ALIGNEXT menu-items in FDISK menu, for disk or specific partition
- BSFIND allow finding superblocks for multiple filesystems
- DFSDISK allow finding superblocks for multiple filesystems
- DFSDISK avoid false interpretation of BBR driveinfo as HPFS spare
- DFSDISK now finds JFS super on GEO with 127/255 sectors/track
- DFSUSB32 procedure updated to support 1-partition 32Gb boot stick
- DFSUSB32 added menu item on bootmenu for Ultimate Boot CD 5.xx ISO
- DIR displays in FS, optimize list display options for file recovery
- EXPORT sector list, include the info byte (FAT DIR entry nr)
- GEO -! option starts dialog to show/set system and logical geometry
- GEO -d:nr option first selects specified disk before acting on GEO
- GEO reported size for logical geometry changed (back) to C * H * S
- IMPORT sector list, include the info byte (FAT DIR entry nr)
- JFS accept and warn about JFS superblock with BAD signature digit
- JFS file recovery, changed 2Gb/4Gb filesize limit (32bit) to 2Tb
- JFS new 'SET FS' submenu, FS status, version and signature
- JFS/NTFS display allocation extents limit to 32, unless verbose (-v)
- JFS/NTFS file recovery on OS/2, use the LargeFile API on DosOpen
- MENU 'Search partition + FS info' multiple and new filesystems
- MENU Mode=FDISK new submenu for partition-table cleanup and repair
- MENU Mode=FDISK new submenu to open/select a whole disk to work on
- MENU Mode=FDISK new submenu to show/set geometry for selected disk
- NEXT command as alias for 'd' command and 'Ctrl+N' or Enter key
- OSX version for MAC: fixed minor display anomaly for active buttons
- RECOVER statusline progress in recovery of large files (x of y MiB)
- RESTORE fix ignored explicit start-sector on RAW/IMZ (since 11.1)
- SBSIG command on JFS, set signature digit to correct value
- SCRIPT New 'EXIT label WHEN (cond)' conditional break for loops
- SCRIPT New 'LOOP .. ENDLOOP label' script control structure
- SCRIPT optional label on all loops and on break/exit-when statements
- SCRIPT syntax warning at runtime if target label for break not found
- SYNCLVM setting (OS2 only) toggle menu item added to Edit menu
- WARNING added for EBR-to-logical-BOOTSEC larger than 1 track
- 11.2, Release adding GPT and HFS support, a FreeDOS update and FAT expand
- DIRFIND support -t:type option to find DIRs or files only
- DOS and WIN version compressed with UPX 3.08 and --best option
- EXT2/3 Add superblock, group-descr and bitmaps to EXT2/3 SLT build
- FAT 16/32 implemented expanding (RESIZE), for same clustersize only
- FAT DIRFIND fix additional list information (dir entry#)
- FAT DIRFIND fix '-l' option to automatically list results
- FAT DIRFIND exclude long-filename DIR entries from result
- FAT DIR view suppress deleted files unless the '-D' option is used
- FAT Put list DIR entry# in separate byte; lifts 64Gb FAT32 limit
- FAT SLT display, shows long-filenames, unless -lfn- option
- FAT SLT display, implement display of the path for file data
- FAT ALLOC Set filesystem expand (RESIZE) limits for FAT12/16/32
- FAT set cluster FAT value; Fixup DIR entries FAT-value for resize;
- FAT16 fix DIR cluster identification on zeroed deleted entry
- FAT16 fixed spurious garbage in SLT caused by long filenames
- FAT32 fixed type display string for 2nd and 3rd bootsectors
- FAT32 free-clusters in 2nd bootsector, based on own ALLOC now
- FAT32 update free-clusters in 2nd bootsector, new calculation
- FATSHOW '-c:cluster#' option shows FAT starting from cluster
- GPT 'SET GPT' command, sets automatic GPT interpretation on/off
- GPT -gptauto commandline switch sets GPT interpretation on/off
- GPT Added display of GPT partition table array contents
- GPT Implemented GPT freespace handling
- GPT Implemented ReadGptPartitions & partition displays for GPT
- GPT Implemented CRC checks on GPT header and PT array
- GPT Set MBR style partent type for a GPT for desired map color
- GPT/LDM split EFI-GPT and Windows-LDM handling (incompatible format)
- HFS Added superblocks and allocation bitmaps to HFS SLT build
- HFS Display of (most of) the HFS superblock; MAP fixup for GPT
- HFS Fixup disk naming for linux device; prepare for big-endian
- HFS Implemented SMART capability for fast cloning and imaging
- HFS Implemented bitmap block allocation display (ALLOC command)
- HFS Implemented bitmap read and alloc-bit determination functions
- HFS recognize HFS filesystem in MBR-style partitions type 0xAF
- LIST -f, on FAT, shows long-filenames, unless -lfn- option
- LIST -f now shows full path+filename on FAT, if SLT is available
- LOG -logauto commandline switch sets LOG auto numbering on/off
- LOG autonumber logfiles 001..999 using '^' as last filename char
- MAP Keep disk graph as wide as possible for available screen width
- MEDIA Removed obsolete media description from all but MAC version
- MENU 'Edit -> Automatic logfile Numbering' togles setting
- OS-X Explicit hint to UNMOUNT whole disk before writing with DFSee
- PSAVE fix binary incompatibility between 11.2 and previous versions
- SET LOG command, sets automatic LOG file numbering on/off
- SLT display, display compacter, more room for file path column
- WIPESECURE Added better logging/reporting to DoD 5220 wiping
- 11.1, Minor release with a new DFSDISK feature and many fixes and enhancements
- Added "run as administrator" hint for Vista and Windows-7 only
- BMGR install, fix Abort when previous operation failed; (batch)
- BSFIND allow (additional) search on MiB boundaries (Win-7/Vista)
- CLONE Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
- COMP Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
- CSLIST documented now, and enhanced with MiB boundary capability
- DFSDISK dialog and cmd, allow (additional) search on MiB boundaries
- Discard P-geo size on OS/2 when more than 1-cylinder difference
- FIND allow (additional) search on MiB boundaries (Win-7/Vista)
- FS Allow abort FAT-CRC loop whith 'fs fat32' on a FAT16 filesystem
- GENPART allow -b:'basename' option instead of 2nd parameter
- PART Explicit mention of L-Geo for OS/2 > 65535 cylinder warning
- PART No 'invalid bootsector' msg on open of Linux or swap partition
- PART Non-critical IBM BMGR warnings made minor (multiple disks)
- PART Non-std cylinder-alignment now MINOR warnings (Win-7/Linux)
- PART Set mode=EXT2 on 0x83 partition without superblocks, not AUX
- PTEDIT dlg sort table on ENTER while a sort button has focus
- PTEDIT dlg added help on using SPACE to operate sort buttons
- PTEDIT log disk and partition details on each table display
- PTEDIT up/down keys now navigate between fields and buttons too
- RESTORE Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
- RESTORE/COMPARE get correct size for multiple-RAW image files
- RESTORE/COMPARE show number of files for multi-file image set
- Updated DFSee signature to '11' in bootrecord for HPFS fixboot
- Use GEOMETRY_EX only for XP and up; error fallback to GEOMETRY
- WIPE Target selection silent (screen) using -Q; details in logfile
- 11.0, Major release with several new features and many fixes and enhancements
- CR -Y:n sets prefered entry for new EBR extended containers
- CR -X:n sets prefered entry for new MBR extended container
- CR default MBR entry 3 (last) slot for new extended container
- CREATE dlg prefered table entry for partition, MBR and EBR
- Disksize shown including partial last cylinder whenever possible
- EXPORT include FS specific command pragma line in export file
- FAT sync warning text update to use FATSIM+FATWRIM as a combo
- FDISK menu 'Set base to Freespace area' for easy (edit) access
- FILE dialog Added sort-indicators on file/dir lists in dialog
- FILE dialog Support sorting in file dialog DIR/FILE windows
- FILE dialog Sort on Volume popup window using Ctrl-F1..Ctrl-F9
- File recovery, ignore errors on searching from menu (optional)
- GENPART, generate -X and -Y options on all logical partitions
- GEO fixed recalculate cylinders when H/S changes (broken in ver10.9)
- GEO forced Always overrule existing geo when forced is set (virtual)
- GEO source Ignore PT if sect/track larger than 63 (OS/2 huge disk)
- GEO traces More information on geo calculation in trace output
- IMAGE command Fix for used buffersize > 64Kb with 4096 byte sectors
- IMPORT automatic FS specific command execute, like IRS for JFS
- JFS IRS command sets Inode Recovery Signature, after (quick) format
- JFS menu 'Find ANY after FORMAT' find any INODES after quick format
- JFS 'IRS 0' sets recovery signature wildcard, find any possible INODES
- JFS/HPFS BPB-letter shown in partition detailed view (letter/data)
- JFS/HPFS PPB versus LVM driveletter mismatch warning when bootable
- MBR recognize Plop Boot Manager code on MBR-sector display
- Make sure DFSDISK/DFSCHECK scripts run in batch mode (no popups)
- NTFS automatically recognized in a type 0x12 recovery partition
- NTFS MFT-seq number to a few NTFS related error messages in CHECK
- NTFS better reporting of bad fixup structures on NTFS system structures
- NTFS various display and analysis fixes to support 4Kb sector sizes
- OS-X HFS+ partition type 0xAF added to partition type displays
- OS2 buffer Maximum buffer size phys disk I/O set to 127 (< 64Kb)
- PART ERROR active-extended changed to WARNING, and removed fix hint
- PART fixed incorrect assigning of IBM BMGR labels (Linux EBR sectors)
- RECOVER count BAD_STRUCTURE errors as failures on file recovery
- Sort Partitions on various partition lists using Ctrl-F1..Ctrl-F9
- Sort Volumes on various volume lists using Ctrl-F1..Ctrl-F9
- 10.9, Bug fix release, avoid OS/2 bug with large disks and AHCI driver
- GEO forced Always overrule existing geo when forced is set (virtual)
- GEO source Ignore PT if sect/track larger than 63 (OS/2 huge disk)
- GEO traces More information on geo calculation in trace output
- OS2 buffer Maximum buffer size phys disk I/O set to 127 (< 64Kb)
- 10.8, Linux sorted Directory/File lists, Format dialog enhancements, small fixes
- FIND dlg Allow double quote characters in search string values
- FORMAT dlg Allow single quote characters in filesystem label field
- FORMAT dlg Set bootcode type correctly for FAT32 -o:'9' = Win9x/ME
- IMAGE etc Set RW-RW-RW- file mode to newly created files on Linux and Mac
- FILE dlg Show directory and file list SORTED on filename on Linux and Mac
- FILE dlg Avoid 'dead-end' directories without the '..' entry on Linux
- PART Recognize large floppy with MSWIN4.1 correctly as FAT16
- Windows Show minor version 6.10 in 'about' as Windows-7, not Vista
- 10.7, Linux support large files and disks, Hex editor improvements, various small enhancements
- alloc Notify user when aborted, reset the Used/Free info
- BMGR menu Default to current BMGR timeout on value-prompt
- DISK size Linux better size/geometry support for disks > 500Gb
- EDIT Reset 'this' start lsn after selecting other object
- FAT16 USB Script to create a FAT16 data stick/disk; max 2Gb
- File / DIR Binary edit Data (file/dir contents) for a path
- File / DIR Binary edit Info (fnode/inode/MFTrec) for a path
- File / DIR Find or recover ONE file, now for Mode=FAT too
- IMZINFO Support large files on Linux for info display
- Mode=xxx File Recovery menu now named "File Find/Recover/HEXedit"
- OS/2 limit Warning 65535 cylinders, less frequently shown
- PART table Adjusted some column widths to allow terabyte disk sizes
- PSAVE etc Fix size display in several places for 4Kb/sector disks
- RESTORE Fixed TxFileExists for large files > 2Gb on Linux
- RESTORE Support large files on Linux on auto-detect IMZ
- Startup Add ADMIN hint if no disks are seen at all (WIN7)
- geocalc Fixed trap when LVM DLAT is in a non-std location
- hex edit Faster startup, fixed spurious trap on starting
- hex edit Add extra prev/next item buffer for large screens
- hex edit Fix buffer-contents on PgUp/PgDn if screen > item
- long tasks No abort with in batch (-b switch or -B option)
- 10.6, Menu improvements, FAT32 disk creation script, minor fixes and enhancements
- DFSF32ST Script to partition+format a USB-stick using FAT32
- DFSTART Fixed bug causing premature abort of DFSDPROC script
- GEOCALC DLAT for 255, 127, 63 preferred; duplicate warning
- MBR Recognize Lenovo factory preloaded MBR (W500)
- MBR Recognize generic english MBR from Windows-7
- MENU Added 'Scripts' menu to run (standard) DFSee scripts
- MENU Disabled items display 'reason' info on selection
- NTFS Fix trap at open partition with corrupt LOGRECORD
- PART -fs:x Initialize for specified filesystem, not detected one
- SCAN Reword message on using -b:1; Explain sector list
- SETB Add -Q- option to supress automatic-quit from a script
- WARNING Fix table entry for missing (1st) EBR signature
- 10.6, dated Januari 8 2011, obsoleted due to minor menu bug. Do not use ..
- 10.5, Added more (Linux) UUID handling, minor fixes and enhancements
- EXT2/3 Display and edit of UUID value with "uuid" command
- JFS Display and edit of UUID value with "uuid" command
- JFS CHECK More verbose JFS IAG dump when pedantic (-p)
- NTFS CHECK Better ALLOC message if no $Bitmap info available
- Recover Translate illegal chars in 8.3 filename conversion
- ReiserFS Display and edit of UUID value with "uuid" command
- ReiserFS Fixed crash on selecting the Mode=Reiser menu
- SLT/CHECK Added lost/link area count/size summary on display
- Script Don't execute result value of an assignment with comment
- Warning Bootable JFS/HPFS partition without an LVM driveletter
- Warning Volume-serial duplicate, reworded, display only once.
- 10.4, Minor release with bootable JFS updates, a GUI fix and USB stick enhancements
- DFSeeHow HOWTO documentation PDF file updated for version 10.x
- DFSusb32 documentation file dfsusb32.txt updated for DFSee upgrade
- Dialogs Fixed incorrect open position Clone and Format dialogs
- IMDFxxx Utility to change the FreeDOS-menu default in an (ISO) image
- JFS LDR Adjusted size to (now) documented 31 sectors (was 34)
- JFS (boot) Display bootsector code updated to eCS 2.0 GA level
- JFS (boot) Fixboot bootsector code updated to eCS 2.0 GA level
- Resize flg in XML only set to YES for DFSee resizable filesystem
- USB stick Alternate smaller ISO file, for use with the bootable USB stick
- WARNING if LBA BR-offset smaller than sectors/track (LVM corrupt)
- 10.3, Minor release with bootable USB-stick updates and a few fixes
- FAT DIRTY Added check/update for documented flags in FAT area
- FAT open Dont search 2nd FAT if 1st not found (long delay)
- FAT open Report dirty status on open (from Bootrec and FAT)
- Geo Fixed forcing GEO back to the original (S) values
- Imz2raw Fixed empty file bug (could not write after EOF)
- Linux Fix for kernel 2.6.34 stat fail on large disks
- Setboot -disk:nr option can force (BMGR) disk to work on
- USB stick Increased size of image to 934 MiB (stick >= 1 Gb)
- 10.2, Minor release with SCRIPT and bootable USB-stick updates
- Boot image Updated USBASPI.SYS to much newer 2.27, dated 2008
- geo Retain correct base PSN if a partition was selected
- LVM dialog Indicate 'sync LVM engine' as NOT RECOMMENDED
- MBR code Recognize another variant of the OS/2 2.x MBR code
- Menu BM/LVM removed duplicate shortcut letter 'I'
- Menu Wipe Added comment on removables to final message
- Menu Wipe Start of disk, now wipes 32 MiB instead of 10
- Menu Actions -> Create bootable (USB) disk
- Menu Display -> Show Partition Table Sector, MBR or EBR
- Menu Wipe MBR sector for a disk (FDISK menu)
- Menu Wipe Bootsector for a partition (filesystem menus)
- RUN cmd Fixed problem with quoting (spaces, params)
- Script Fixed trap on single WHILE/FOR/IF on last line
- Script Fixed trap when 'until' is missing for a 'do'
- Script Add expression/variable substitution to single-step popup
- Script Confirm single-step execute line, and allow script cancel
- Script Allow . as placeholder in script positional $n parameters
- Script Added verbose and single-step option to RUN file dialog
- Script Single-Step + Verbose check-box in singlestep popup
- USB stick Added DFSUSB32.dfs script to prepare a bootable stick
- 10.1, Minor release with optimizations for the bootable USB stick and some fixes
- 502G disk Made this an 'informational' message on OS/2
- AUX mode Add warning popup if AUX mode is activated
- Bootable CD/Diskette added info on SATA legacy mode
- FDISK menu Prestore dialog added comment on restore types
- FORMAT FAT Fixed system label to contain 10.x (use VLABEL)
- MBR code Recognize PendriveLinux Multi-ISO boot from USB
- MBR NTsig Changed default to DF5ee100, eye catcher value
- MENU Format: avoid find 2nd FAT area (very slow!)
- SCAN Fix reported count when error-strategy is 'quit'
- SCAN menu Force '-E:i' to always retry with single sector
- STORE Use A/B instead of 1/2 as store identification
- Sw -dir EXE startup switch, file directory (scripts, key)
- Sw -screen Linux EXE switch, force screen size like 112x39
- USB-stick Run bootable DFSee ISO from USB stick using GRUB4DOS
- USB-stick Run Linux DFSee from PartedMagic ISO, on KDE desktop
- 10.0, Major release with fixes, updates and improvements, bootable CD/diskette update
- 502G disk OS/2 warning if disk > 502 GiB normal limit
- 64K warn OS/2 or eCS incompatible with > 64K cylinders
- A sn size Fixed multi sector ASCII display output format
- CD/FLOPPY Choice between 28 or 50 lines display at startup
- CD/FLOPPY FreeDOS updated to latest kernel/command.com
- CD/FLOPPY New IDE driver, XMS manager and ramdisk updated
- CD/FLOPPY Optional load of (Iomega) FireWire driver added
- CDROM boot fixed availability of HPFS/JFS/NTFS-LDR images
- CHS warn No CHS warnings if #sects > 63 (eCS > 500Gb)
- CLONE Added 'reboot' advisory popup after completion
- CR No size adjust primary, if not at MBR track
- CR Align to cyl-start if prev END is not aligned
- CSLIST -s Add cylinder-aligned sectors to sector-list
- DFSDOS VOL Fixed size/freespace for drives > 2Gb, filedialogs
- FAT Fixed display bugs with just one FAT area
- HEX dump Default size full sector if display >= 40 lines
- JFS super Always warn for superblocks/part size mismatch
- KEY Support major versions over 9 in key checks
- LIST Export/Import preserves list display format
- LIST Export/Import store/display drive/disk/part
- Menu Mode=Fdisk -> Wipe (EBR) TRACK-1 reserved sectors
- Menu Edit->Settings->Status prompt after each command
- PART view Show decimal size in sectors if no LVM/BMGR
- PART -s -u Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
- PART -v Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
- PART -xml Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
- PART pid Show Linux UUID value for native filesystems
- PTE No 'smart' field updates when type set to 0
- RESIZE and EXPAND added '?' and '-?' help on command
- SCAN Fix progress reporting when not at LSN 0
- SCRIPT Fixed BREAK from FOR loop, break just one level
- WARNING Linux device-nr too large, only for nr > 63
- WARNING Type 0F extended container, made a minor warning
- 9.15, Image restore and binary file editor improvements, FAT large sector support
- 9.14, A few bug-fixes, longer evaluation period
- 9.13, A few bug-fixes, usability fixes and new SCRIPT functions
- 9.12, Fixed some menu-items/dialogs to use explicit HEX values
- 9.11, Updates and more documentation for scripting, some bugfixes
- 9.10, Minor update; upto 24 disks in Linux, some message updates
- 9.09, Fix for create type 0x35 (JFS) volume and new 'set version' for JFS
- 9.08, Minor fixes, and a few additions to the help
- 9.07, Variable substitution updates and more QUERY options, small fixes
- 9.06, Bug fix release, fixes traps in the OS/2 version with 9.05
- 9.05, Bug fix release, OS/2 2Tb disks and fine tuning of advanced scripting
- 9.04, Bug fix release, and additions to the new scripting engine
- 9.03, Bug fix release, plus pre-release of the new enhanced scripting engine
- 9.02, Bug fix release, plus wipe of first track and static HTML documentation generator
- 9.01, Bug fix release: 'move to begin freespace', new Bootmanager install and PHP documentation generator
- 8.17, Bug fix release; 'Move to BEGIN freespace' bug back-ported from 9.01
- 8.16, Bug fix release; expand logical and disk-to-disk clone fat corruption fixed
- 8.15, Better JFS analysis and display (IAG), REPEAT command and some small fixes and enhancements
- 8.14, PTE table sorting, Hex-edit updates, PART warnings added and enhanced, several bug fixes
- 8.13, More verbose registration key info, fix search for FAT filenames, fix MOVE/COPY to start of disk
- 8.12, Menu additions, display enhancements, (NTFS) resizing refinements and several small fixes
- 8.11, Better 'removable' and 'large floppy' handling, creation of LVM/JFS volumes, many small fixes and enhancements
- 8.10, Fix MBR corruption by FIXEXT command, report duplicate bootsectors, allow any size sectors
- 8.09, Change volume serial number, delete from BM menu, menu updates and variable sectorsize support
- 8.08, Reset bad-sector administration, backward link warnings, SORT partition table and bugfixes
- 8.07, JFS/NTFS file recovery improvements, move/copy confirmations and some bug fixes
- 8.06, Enhancements for binary-file editing, updates for LVM 14.105 and some fixes
- 8.05, Fixed crash in DFSDISK/PSAVE, fix IMZ2RAW and added 'Smart' checkbox to MOVE dialog
- 8.04, Direct binary file edit, speedup filefind/undelete, improved bad-sector cloning
- 8.03, New interactive HEX/ASCII sector/cluster/imagefile/disk editor, plus a few JFS fixes
- 8.02, Smart-sector support for whole disk and cloning, JFS enhancements and better logging control
- 8.01, Better LVM/FORMAT support removables, UI improvements, bug fixes
- 8.00, JFS support, UI enhancements, better progress reporting, bug fixes
- 7.15, FAT/FAT32 FORMAT, NTFS enhancements, many new dialogs, several bug fixes
- 7.14, Some new and quite a few enhanced dialogs, several bug fixes
- 7.13, Some minor fixes and cleanup, built using first OPEN SOURCE TxWindows 1.0 library
- 7.12, Much more reliable NTFS resizing, DIRTY command / menu for NTFS and some other minor improvements
- 7.11, Suppress dummy (USB) disks in OS/2, NTFS dirty status and logfile display, SETBOOT updates
- 7.10, Resize improvements, NTFS MFT updates, more warnings and a few bugs fixed
- 7.09, Automatic logging, speed improvement for imaging and some nasty bugs fixed
- 7.08, Mouse and dialog enhancements, fixed trap on some DVD/CD media at startup
- 7.07, Automatic bad-sector optimization in CLONE/IMAGE and mouse support in OS2 and DOS
- 7.06, NTLDR fix commands, LVM-refresh, some minor bug fixes and improved mouse support in Windows version
- 7.05, Better CDROM support in DOS version, standard MSI installer and mouse support in Windows version
- 7.04, Support insertion of USB drivers in DFSee ISO image, fixed commandline HISTORY and MFT display bug
- 7.03, New GENPART command, more flexible DFSDISK, improved commandline history and several fixes
- 7.02, Partition limit 1000, updated HOWTO document and WARPIN based installer for the OS2 version
- 7.01, More imaging commands and menu items, search whole disk for superblocks and more ...
- 7.00, A new MAJOR release with many improvements in the user interface, improved imaging and much more!
- 6.17, Fixed CR BUG (copy primary) and added several new MENU items like BACKUP/RESTORE partition info
- 6.16, Enhanced handling of numeric parameters and commands, several enhancements and fixes
- 6.15, Several new menu-items and some improved displays based on Warpstock feedback
- 6.13, Linux executable added to distribution, no shell-scripts yet
- 6.12, Linux executable release candidate 1, fully functional (afaik :-)
- 6.11, More Linux preparation (DEVMAP) and fixes for RECOVERY and PTEdit
- 6.10, New partition MOVE and copy, improvements in LVM-recovery, several fixes
- 6.09, Improved output for the LIST command for FAT-EA info
- 6.08, Improved output for the LIST command and some minor fixes
- 6.07, BOOTINI and several other minor fixes, updated bootable images
- 6.06, UI color schemes, fix BOOT.INI, foreign keyboards, improved FAT support and more
- 6.05, Minor update, fixes the DFSTART script and RETRY default
- 6.04, New functionality and menu-items, better Linux filesystem recognition
- 6.02, Change partition-type from menu, other minor changes and fixes
- 6.00, Version 6.00, menu system, smart imaging and much more!
- 5.56, Final 5.xx release, expiry postponed until the year 2012
- 5.00, MAJOR release, introducing the 32-bit DOS-extended version
- 4.28, Last 4.xx version, unsupported but upgrade to 7.xx is possible
- 4.00, first SHAREWARE version
- 3.42, Last freeware version (not supported anymore)
For more details on older DFSee versions, bugs solved and
changes made, see the text-document:
DFSee development history and changes
Further development depends on my own needs, feedback I receive from
other users and the amount of registrations sold to fund
these new developments.
Suggestions and comments on DFSee and related stuff is welcome.
(Release history page) |
DFSee release history |
611042 |
Created by Jan van Wijk: May 2005, last update: 2024-Sep-20